Breaking Records: Witness the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation That Will Leave You in Awe


Have you ever heard of the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation? If you're a fan of video games and speedrunning, this animation is definitely worth checking out. It brilliantly captures the excitement and intensity of one of the most iconic speedruns in gaming history.

For those unfamiliar with speedrunning, it's the practice of playing through a video game as quickly as possible, often utilizing glitches and tricks to shave off seconds or even minutes from playtime. Super Mario 64 is a popular game for speedrunning, with players attempting to beat the game as fast as they can.

So what makes the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation so special? For starters, it's incredibly well made. The animation is smooth and seamless, with highly-detailed backgrounds and character models that bring the game to life in a whole new way.

But what really sets this animation apart is how accurately it follows the movements and strategies of top Super Mario 64 speedrunners. Every jump, every wall kick, every backwards long jump is perfectly executed to create a thrilling recreation of the game's fastest runs.

One particularly impressive aspect of the animation is how it captures the sense of risk and reward that comes with speedrunning. Players often take daring shortcuts or attempts risky maneuvers in order to save time, and the animation does an excellent job of conveying this tension.

And if you're still not convinced, consider this: the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation has been viewed over 6 million times on YouTube. Clearly, it's struck a chord with gamers and animation fans alike.

If you're a fan of Super Mario 64 or just enjoy watching skilled players tackle challenging games, the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation is a must-see. So why not give it a watch and see if you can spot any familiar strategies or techniques?

But maybe you're wondering, what's the point of speedrunning? Why bother playing a game so quickly? For many, it's a way to test their skills and push themselves to the limit. For others, it's a way to add a new level of challenge and excitement to games they've already played countless times.

And while speedrunning may not be for everyone, there's no denying the appeal of watching talented players tackle games with incredible speed and precision. It's a testament to what can be achieved with a deep understanding of game mechanics and the willingness to take on new challenges.

So whether you're a seasoned speedrunner or just curious about the world of gaming, the Mario 64 Speedrun Animation is a must-see. It's an impressive showcase of skill, creativity, and passion, and it's sure to leave you on the edge of your seat.

The Thrilling World of Mario 64 Speedrun Animation

If you are a fan of the classic game “Super Mario 64,” you might have heard of the term speedrun. In the world of gaming, a speedrun is an attempt to complete a game as quickly as possible. And what’s more exciting is that speedrunning has given birth to a whole new creative niche - speedrun animation.

What is Mario 64 Speedrun Animation?

Speedrun animation is a form of animation where an artist recreates a speedrun from a video game visually. It involves shaping the flow of gameplay in a visual way through individual frames, capturing the essence of the entire gameplay within a few minutes.

In essence, speedrun animation aims to highlight crucial moments from a speedrun playthrough, making viewers understand the core features of the game in just a matter of minutes.

Why is it so Popular?

One of the reasons why speedrun animation has become so popular is because they offer a fresh and unique perspective on classic games like Super Mario 64. This animation style enhances the appeal of an already beloved game and brings about an intense nostalgia factor among fans of the game.

Additionally, speedrun animations can illustrate strategies for players who want to improve their gameplay. Thus, it has become an excellent tool for gamers and game developers.

How is it Done?

Creating a speedrun animation is not an easy feat - it requires a lot of hard work, creativity, and patience. The animator first selects a speedrun of a particular game like Super Mario 64, breaks it down into individual frames and then reconstructs them with added polish to showcase the most important features of the game.

These frames are then turned into an animation, which is usually completed in 24-30 unique frames per second. The animator has to take care of every animation, camera angle, action, and movement so that it flows quickly and accurately.

What is the Impact of Mario 64 Speedrun Animation on the Gaming Industry?

Speedrun animations have had a massive impact on the gaming industry itself. Gamers now look forward to new super-clear levels made by developers following players' recommendations in these animations, which, in turn, have become a form of feedback for game developers.

Additionally, speedrun animations have led to an interest in classic games like Super Mario, even among those who did not grow up playing it. For this reason, it has helped heritage games keep their essence alive, remain popular, and relevant decades later.


All in all, Mario 64 speedrun animations have gone beyond merely showcasing the intricate moments of a classic game franchise. It has brought a new approach to enjoying Super Mario 64 and other games in the modern era, reintroducing them to old and new gamers alike.

The creativity, dedication, and talent put into these animations are nothing short of remarkable, a testament to how art forms can bridge the gap between something technical and something imaginative. As such, they will undoubtedly continue to inspire game developers and animators for years to come.

Mario 64 Speedrun: Comparing Animation Styles

Speedrunning is a popular practice among gamers, where players try to complete a game as fast as possible. Super Mario 64 is one such game that has been extensively speedrun. However, it's not just about completing the game quickly; speedrunners often incorporate impressive animations and tricks into their gameplay. In this article, we'll compare the animation styles of two popular Mario 64 speedrunners, SimpleFlips and Cheese05.

The Players

SimpleFlips and Cheese05 are two well-known speedrunners in the Mario 64 community. SimpleFlips, whose real name is Ryan, is known for his humorous commentary and creative animations during his speedruns. Cheese05, whose real name is David, is known for his technical expertise and consistently breaking world records.

SimpleFlips' Style

SimpleFlips' style of speedrunning Mario 64 involves a lot of creativity and humor. He often uses animations and glitches to skip parts of the game or make things easier for himself. For example, he may use the backwards long jump glitch to skip entire levels. SimpleFlips is also known for incorporating memes and inside jokes into his speedruns, such as using a jinx block to prevent himself from saying a certain word.

Cheese05's Style

Cheese05's style of speedrunning is much more technical than SimpleFlips'. He utilizes various glitches and optimizations to complete the game as quickly as possible. For example, he may use the parallel universes glitch to skip parts of the game that would normally be required. Cheese05 is also very consistent with his gameplay, often breaking world records and setting new personal bests.

The Animations

Both SimpleFlips and Cheese05 incorporate animations into their speedruns, but in very different ways.

SimpleFlips' Animations

SimpleFlips' animations are often silly and humorous. He'll sometimes use them to entertain his viewers or to make a certain part of the game more interesting. For example, he may use an animation of Mario playing an instrument during a cutscene, or make Mario's head spin around during a long loading screen.

Cheese05's Animations

Cheese05's animations are much more technical and precise than SimpleFlips'. He'll use them to execute certain glitches or optimize his gameplay. For example, he may use an animation to get into a specific position that will allow him to perform a glitch more easily. His animations may not be as entertaining as SimpleFlips', but they're crucial to his speedrunning success.

The Comparison

So which style of speedrunning is better: SimpleFlips' creative and humorous approach, or Cheese05's technical mastery?

SimpleFlips Cheese05
Entertainment Value High Low
Technical Skill Low High
World Records None Many

Based on the comparison table above, it's clear that both SimpleFlips and Cheese05 have their strengths and weaknesses.

Entertainment Value

SimpleFlips definitely wins in the entertainment value category. His animations and humor make his speedruns more enjoyable to watch, even if they're not always the most efficient way to complete the game. However, some viewers may find his constant jokes and meme references annoying or distracting.

Technical Skill

Cheese05 is the clear winner in the technical skill category. His knowledge of glitches and optimizations allows him to complete the game faster than anyone else. However, viewers who are not familiar with speedrunning may find his gameplay boring or difficult to follow.

World Records

Cheese05 has set many world records in Mario 64 speedrunning, thanks in large part to his technical expertise. SimpleFlips has never set a world record, but his speedruns are still impressive in their own right thanks to his unique approach and entertaining animations.


Ultimately, whether you prefer SimpleFlips' humorous approach or Cheese05's technical mastery depends on your personal preferences. Both styles of speedrunning are valid and impressive in their own ways. It's up to the viewer to decide which one they enjoy watching more.

Ultimate Guide to Mario 64 Speedrun Animation

If you love playing Mario 64, you must be aware of speedrun animation. It is a technique that gamers use to complete the game in record time. With this technique, you can complete the entire game and earn all 120 stars in just over an hour. If you’re interested in learning how to speedrun animation, then follow this ultimate guide.

1. Memorize the Levels

The first thing you need to do is memorize all the levels in the game. This means learning the layout of each level, the location of the stars, and how to get to those stars as quickly as possible. You should spend a lot of time practicing each level until you feel comfortable with it.

2. Use Shortcuts

There are many shortcuts in Mario 64 that you can use to complete levels quickly. These shortcuts are hidden paths and jumps that allow you to skip entire sections of a level. For instance, you can use a wall jump to bypass a long staircase or a swim glitch to reach the bottom of a lake without losing health.

3. Practice Moving Efficiently

You need to get used to Mario’s movement so that you can move around efficiently. Some techniques that you can use include long jumps, side flips, triple jumps, and diving. These movements will help you traverse through each level quicker.

4. Master the Camera

The camera is an essential tool for speedrun animation. You need to position the camera correctly to know where you’re going and how to get there. You should learn how to change the camera angle in mid-jump and make adjustments while falling.

5. Take Risks

The key to completing the game as fast as possible is to take risks. You should try out new moves and shortcuts, even if they seem impossible. As you practice, you’ll get a feel for what you can and can’t do, and you’ll be able to take more and more risks.

6. Minimize Mistakes

You need to minimize the number of mistakes you make while speedrunning. Any error you make will cost you time, and that could mean that you won’t be able to complete the game as fast as you’d like. If you make an error, it’s better to start over than to continue playing, as it will save you time in the long run.

7. Use Glitches

Glitches are legitimate parts of the game that allow you to exploit bugs to your advantage. Some glitches include backwards long jump and Lakitu skip. These glitches are essential to speedrun animation, and you should learn how to use them effectively.

8. Time Your Jumps

Timing your jumps is vital to completing Mario 64 quickly. You should learn how to coordinate your movements with the timing of the game mechanics. This means learning when to jump, dive, or slide so that you don’t lose any momentum.

9. Stay Focused

Mario 64 speedrunning requires intense focus and concentration. You cannot afford to get distracted by anything while playing the game. You need to stay alert and attentive, taking in everything on your screen and responding accordingly.

10. Join a Community

Finally, join a Mario 64 speedrun community. You can connect with other gamers online, share tips and tricks, and keep track of the latest records. This way, you’ll be able to stay motivated and continue improving your speedrun animation skills.


If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Mario 64 speedrun animation pro. Remember, mastering this technique takes time, patience, and a lot of practice, but it’s worth the effort in the end. With enough dedication, you can complete the game in record time and earn the admiration of other gamers around the world.

The Fascinating World of Mario 64 Speedrun Animation

Gaming has come a long way since the days of Pong and Space Invaders. With modern technology, developers have been able to create incredibly immersive gaming experiences that allow players to explore fantastical worlds and take on new roles as they make their way through complex challenges. One game that has become a fan favorite over the years is Super Mario 64. A beautifully crafted game with memorable characters, innovative gameplay mechanics, and stunning visuals, it has been a source of joy for gamers all over the world for decades.

However, what makes the game even more impressive is the speedrun animations that have been created over the years. For those who don't know, speedrun animations are videos that show players completing games in record time. They are incredibly addictive to watch and can be incredibly fascinating to analyze. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the world of Mario 64 speedrun animation and explore some of the most impressive runs created by players over the years.

Before we dive into the world of speedrun animation, it's worth talking about the history of Super Mario 64. The game was first released back in 1996, and it was an instant classic. The game broke new ground by introducing a fully three-dimensional world where players could explore new environments, take on new challenges, and interact with a cast of charming characters. The game quickly became a major success and is still considered one of the best video games ever made today.

But what makes Mario 64 speedrun animations so impressive is the level of skill required to achieve these record times. Unlike standard playthroughs, speedruns often require players to use glitches and exploits to move through the game faster. This means that speedrunners need to have incredibly precise timing, dexterity, and an in-depth knowledge of the game's mechanics.

One particularly impressive Mario 64 speedrun animation was created by runner Cheese05. In this run, he managed to complete the game in just four minutes and fifty-five seconds. What makes this run so incredible is that it relies on a series of incredibly difficult glitches that allow him to skip entire levels and move through the game in record time.

The first major glitch used in this run is the Backwards Long Jump. This technique involves jumping backwards repeatedly to gain momentum, which allows players to move through walls and clip through certain obstacles in the game. Another technique used in this run is the Triple Jump Dive, which allows players to gain height quickly and avoid obstacles.

Of course, achieving runs like these requires a lot of practice and patience. Many runners spend hours upon hours perfecting their techniques and optimizing their runs to achieve the best possible times. Even small mistakes can lead to wasted seconds, which can have a significant impact on a player's final time.

However, what makes the world of Mario 64 speedrun animation so fascinating is the sense of community that surrounds it. Runners often collaborate with each other to find new glitches and techniques that can be used to improve runs. They share tips and advice, provide feedback on each other's runs, and compete against each other in races to see who can complete the game the fastest.

If you're new to the world of speedrun animation, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to remember that achieving speedy times requires a lot of practice. Don't get discouraged if your initial runs are slower than you'd like; with enough practice, you'll develop the skills needed to achieve your goals.

Another thing to keep in mind is that speedruns often rely on glitches and exploits that can be difficult to pull off. Don't be discouraged if you struggle to perform these tricks at first; with enough practice, you'll develop the muscle memory and timing needed to execute these moves flawlessly.

At the end of the day, Mario 64 speedrun animation is a fascinating subculture that showcases the creativity and dedication of gamers all over the world. With so many impressive runs out there, it's easy to get lost in the world of speedrunning and lose track of time. Whether you're a fan of Super Mario 64 or simply appreciate the skill and dedication required to achieve record times, there's something truly special about the world of speedrun animation.

So why not dive in and try your hand at achieving a speedrun record of your own? Who knows – you might just surprise yourself with how good you are!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that you found it informative and enjoyable. If you have any comments or questions about Mario 64 speedrun animation, please feel free to leave them in the section below.

People Also Ask About Mario 64 Speedrun Animation

What is a speedrun animation?

A speedrun animation is a type of animation that attempts to recreate a speedrun of a video game. This means that the animator tries to recreate the gameplay sequence as closely as possible, often including glitches and exploits used by speedrunners. It's becoming increasingly popular on sites like YouTube and Twitch, where speedrunning has gained a massive following over the past few years.

What is Mario 64 speedrun?

Mario 64 speedrun is a subcategory of the popular Mario series, where players try to complete the game as quickly as possible. As one of the first 3D platformers, Mario 64 was groundbreaking when it first released, and its speedrun community is still going strong today. The current world record for completing Mario 64 is just under five minutes!

What is Mario 64 speedrun animation?

Mario 64 speedrun animation is, as the name suggests, an animated version of a Mario 64 speedrun. Animators try to recreate the gameplay sequence as closely as possible, including the various glitches and shortcuts used by speedrunners. Unlike a traditional speedrun, however, the animation has no time limit, allowing animators to add more detail and personality to their work.

Where can I watch Mario 64 speedrun animations?

You can find Mario 64 speedrun animations on a variety of different platforms, including YouTube and Twitch. Some popular animators in this space include TerminalMontage and Dorkly, who have created some hilarious and creative videos based on the Mario 64 speedrun category. Additionally, many speedrunners will often create highlight reels of their own speedruns, which often feature impressive feats and world record attempts.

Are there any Mario 64 speedrun animation contests or events?

Yes! Many gaming and animation communities will hold contests or events centered around Mario 64 speedrun animations. These typically involve creating an animation that showcases impressive feats or creative solutions to common problems in the game. Some of these contests can even offer prizes for the winners, such as cash or gaming gear.

Can anyone create a Mario 64 speedrun animation?

Yes, anyone with the necessary skills and tools can create a Mario 64 speedrun animation. You'll need a good understanding of the game's mechanics and the various glitches used by speedrunners, as well as some knowledge of animation software. However, even if you're brand new to animation, there are plenty of tutorials and resources available online to help you get started!