Dragon Ball Super's Shoddy Animation: How It Ruined One of Anime's Best Franchises


Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation. The show follows the adventures of Goku and his friends as they fight to protect the universe from evil forces. However, one thing that has been a constant source of criticism for the series has been its animation.

Have you ever watched an episode of Dragon Ball Super and thought to yourself, Wow, this animation is terrible? Well, you're not alone. Many fans of the series have taken issue with the quality of the animation in recent years.

One of the biggest complaints about the animation is the inconsistent quality. Some episodes look fantastic, while others look like they were thrown together at the last minute. This can be jarring for viewers and takes away from the overall experience of watching the show.

Another issue with the animation is the lack of attention to detail. In some scenes, characters will be missing facial features or will have awkward poses that make them look like they're floating in mid-air. These mistakes take away from the immersion of the show and make it difficult to take it seriously.

It's not just the quality of the animation that's the problem – it's also the speed at which it's produced. The tight production schedule means that animators are often rushed to finish episodes on time, leading to sloppy work and mistakes. This is particularly noticeable during fight scenes, where the action can become blurry and hard to follow.

But why has the animation quality dropped so much in recent years? Some say it's due to budget cuts, while others blame the production team. Whatever the reason, it's clear that something needs to change if the show is going to continue to be successful.

Despite the criticisms, there are still plenty of people who enjoy Dragon Ball Super. But wouldn't it be even better if the animation quality was consistent and the attention to detail was improved?

Thankfully, there is a solution – and it's one that's been tried and tested in the anime industry for years. The answer is outsourcing.

By outsourcing some of the animation work to other studios, Toei Animation could alleviate some of the pressure on their own animators and improve the quality of the final product. This would allow them to focus on the more important aspects of production, such as storyboarding and scriptwriting.

Outsourcing has been used successfully by other anime studios, such as Studio Ghibli, and there's no reason why it couldn't work for Dragon Ball Super too. By bringing in fresh talent and diverse styles, the show could become even more vibrant and exciting.

So, in conclusion, while the animation quality of Dragon Ball Super may be lacking at times, there is hope for improvement. Outsourcing could be the key to creating a consistent and visually stunning show that fans can enjoy for years to come.

If you're a Dragon Ball Super fan who is tired of the hit-or-miss animation quality, it's time to speak up and demand better. With enough support and feedback, Toei Animation may just take notice and make the changes that are needed.


Dragon Ball Super is one of the most popular anime shows in the world. It has a huge fan base and has been entertaining fans for years. However, one of the major criticisms it has faced is its animation.


Dragon Ball Super premiered in 2015. It was created as a sequel to the original Dragon Ball manga and anime series. The show has been produced by Toei Animation and has been airing on Fuji TV in Japan and on Adult Swim in the US.

The Animation Quality

One of the biggest criticisms of Dragon Ball Super has been its animation quality. Fans have complained about inconsistent animation and subpar art style.

The animation style of the show has been a topic of discussion since its initial release. Fans often compare the animation quality of Dragon Ball Super to that of Dragon Ball Z, which had some of the best animation ever seen in anime.

In many episodes, the characters look misshapen, with poorly drawn facial features and disproportionate bodies. The fight scenes also lack impact due to the poor animation quality.

Examples of Poor Animation

There are several examples of poor animation quality in Dragon Ball Super. One of the most infamous examples is Episode 5, where Goku and Beerus' battle takes place. In this episode, the animation quality is incredibly low, with characters being off-model and inconsistent animation throughout the fight scene.

Another example is Episode 60, where Zamasu's face is drawn poorly, with his eyes appearing completely off-center and misaligned.

These examples demonstrate the poor animation quality that has plagued Dragon Ball Super since its inception.

Why Has This Happened?

Many fans have been left wondering why the animation quality of Dragon Ball Super has been so poor. The most common explanation is that the animation team has been overworked and underpaid.

The production schedule for Dragon Ball Super has been incredibly demanding, with new episodes being released each week. This means that the animation team has to work extremely hard to keep up with the pace of the show. Unfortunately, this has resulted in lower quality animation.

Furthermore, the show's budget may not cover the cost of high-quality animation. This could explain why the animation team is not able to produce high-quality animation consistently.


Despite its low animation quality, Dragon Ball Super continues to be popular among fans. While it's clear that improvements need to be made, we hope that the production team will take the criticism constructively and work towards producing better animation in future episodes.

Dragon Ball Super Shitty Animation: A Comparison Blog Article


Dragon Ball Super, the latest installment of the long-running Dragon Ball franchise, has been criticized for its less than stellar animation quality. Fans have compared it to previous Dragon Ball series and noted a drastic decline in the animation quality. In this article, we will compare Dragon Ball Super to previous Dragon Ball series and give our opinion on the matter.

Dragon Ball Z Animation Quality

Dragon Ball Z is considered by many to be the best series in the franchise, and the animation quality is a big part of that. The animation was fluid and had a consistent quality throughout the series. The fight scenes were beautifully choreographed, and the attention to detail was impressive.


Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Dragon
Dragon Dragon

Dragon Ball GT Animation Quality

Dragon Ball GT, on the other hand, was heavily criticized for its animation quality. The animation was inconsistent and lacked the fluidity of Dragon Ball Z. The character designs were also heavily criticized, with fans noting that they looked nothing like the characters they knew and loved.


Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Dragon
Dragon Dragon

Dragon Ball Super Animation Quality

Dragon Ball Super falls somewhere in between Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT in terms of animation quality. While it has its moments of greatness, there are also many instances of lackluster animation. The fight scenes, in particular, have been criticized for their lack of detail and fluidity.


Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Dragon
Dragon Dragon


While the animation quality of Dragon Ball Super is not up to par with Dragon Ball Z, it is still better than Dragon Ball GT. It may not be perfect, but the animation has improved throughout the series and there are still moments of greatness. As fans, we should appreciate the effort put into creating Dragon Ball Super and enjoy it for what it is.


In conclusion, the animation quality of Dragon Ball Super is not as good as Dragon Ball Z, but it is better than Dragon Ball GT. While there are moments of great animation, there are also instances of lackluster animation. As fans, we should appreciate the effort put into creating Dragon Ball Super and enjoy it for what it is.

Dragon Ball Super Shitty Animation: Tips to Overcome Disappointment


Dragon Ball Super is a popular anime consistently adored by millions of fans worldwide. However, the anime industry has never been comfortable with producing high-quality series throughout the years. When Dragon Ball Super arrived in 2015, fans were eagerly waiting to experience superior animation from the previous version. Unfortunately, this became short-lived as the animation left them disappointed. The episode's quality was below what they expected, and this act continues till date.

Why is Dragon Ball Super's Animation Bad?

There are several reasons why Dragon Ball Super's animation quality seems terrible. The following are some of the reasons:

Minimal Time

Initially, Dragon Ball was not under Toyotarou's control, the author of the manga version, hence the reason for the delay. As such, the producers decided to continue with the anime production, putting only their in-house team to do it. With the limited time given, the animators hardly deliver a standard quality episode.

Inadequate Budget

The production company, Toei Animation, was working with a meager budget for episodes designing and overall production. With this limited budget, the animators were under huge pressure to deliver episodes on time, leaving no room for creativity.

Reduced Number of Animators

Despite having limits in budget and time, the animation quality could still have improved if the number of animators employed were constructive. Unfortunately, only a few animators were hired, making it a challenging situation to produce episodes of high quality consistently.

10 Tips to Overcome Disappointment in Dragon Ball Super's Animation

To retain our goodwill towards this popular anime with lousy animation quality, the following tips should help:

1. Focus on the Storyline

Although the animation quality is low, we can focus more on the storyline. Remember that animation quality does not define the show's plot.

2. Watch in Moderation

Over-watching a single anime may make you exaggerate the negatives attached to it. Watching less may help you appreciate the good aspect of Dragon Ball Super rather than its lousy animation.

3. Control Your Expectations

Going into each episode with little expectation, you have room to enjoy whatever scene comes your way without feeling disappointed.

4. View Other Animes

Watching other animes could also help you explore different animation styles and appreciate how significantly they contribute to the show's quality.

5. Pay More Attention to Soundtracks

Soundtracks add spice to the anime, and quickly focusing on them can improve your viewing experience too.

6. Look Out for Awesome Fights' Scene

Dragon Ball franchise is known worldwide for epic battles scenes. Even though the animation quality may fail, the fights remain one significant aspect that keeps fans glued to it.

7. Connect with Fans on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms foster excellent relationships between like-minded individuals interested in anime. Avoid watching alone; instead, share experiences with several fans on social media, and you may discover new ways to appreciate episodes' quality.

8. Compare with Previous Episodes

Comparing previous episodes with the lousy ones maybe a reminder of how much quality was improved between seasons. This could give you hope that perhaps future episodes will also be better.

9. Understand Production Constraints and Issues

Understanding why the animation quality is terrible should give us a broader appreciation of the factors that influenced it. This knowledge might keep your hope for improvement alive.

10. Support the Anime Production Team

Giving support to Toei Animation by purchasing genuine anime merchandise or subscribing to their channels could provide some form of motivation for them. Such action is a vote of confidence in their ability and encourages them to produce better episodes.


The anime industry has its fair share of budget limitation, time constraints, and operational issues that significantly impact the show's quality. Although the production team could have adopted some measures to increase Dragon Ball Super's animation quality, we should look beyond this flaw and appreciate the storyline that kept us glued throughout the years. With these tips, you can still enjoy Dragon Ball Super shows despite the poor animation quality.

Why Dragon Ball Super Shitty Animation is a Huge Disappointment

Dragon Ball Super is undoubtedly one of the most popular anime series of all time. Millions of fans around the world eagerly waited for its re-release after it went off-air in 1995. However, the new animated series has failed to match the success of the original series due to its subpar animation quality.

While the storyline of Dragon Ball Super is still exciting and engaging, the pictures and animation bring down the entire experience for viewers. The poor animation quality has left many fans feeling disappointed and let down.

The even more unfortunate part is that the creators of Dragon Ball Super failed to improve the animation as the show progressed. Instead, the quality worsened as the show went on.

One of the most significant reasons for the poor animation quality is the use of computer graphics. While computer graphics can enhance the overall quality of animation, they can also limit the scope of creativity for animators. Essentially, it prevents creators from experimenting with new styles and effects that would be difficult to replicate using computer graphics.

Furthermore, the creative team seems to have unnecessarily rushed through the production process. As a result, there are parts of the series where it feels like the team placed minimal effort into creating animations.

The lack of attention to detail and low-quality visuals are particularly evident during fight sequences. With the fast-paced action, it can be challenging for viewers to keep up with what's happening on the screen. The choppy and jarring animation can make it difficult to discern what's happening, leading to frustrating viewing experiences.

Apart from affecting the overall viewing experience, the low-quality animation can be jarring for conditioned Dragon Ball fans. It contrasts sharply with the much smoother and well animated earlier episodes.

Another significant issue with the subpar animation quality is the impact it has had on Dragon Ball Super's legacy. When compared to other classic anime series that have stood the test of time, Dragon Ball Super's low-quality animation stands out like a sore thumb, tarnishing the show's reputation.

Despite all this, Dragon Ball Super still has a massive following amongst fans who appreciate the series's excellent storytelling and world-building.

However, if Dragon Ball Super is ever re-released, the creators need to consider better animation quality. This would help the show attract a broader and more diverse audience while giving fans the viewing experience they deserve.

Conclusively, while Dragon Ball Super may continue to be popular due to its storyline, it is undoubtedly a disappointment to fans who were expecting more. The creators of Dragon Ball Super must take criticism of the animation seriously and work to improve the visuals to ensure the anime's continued success.

If you're a fan of Dragon Ball Super and are disappointed by its visuals, don't lose hope. Newer anime series like One Punch Man and Demon Slayer feature high-quality visuals and are a treat to watch. So do check out these anime series to experience the full range of stunning visuals anime has to offer.

People Also Ask About Dragon Ball Super Shitty Animation

What is dragon ball super shitty animation?

Dragon Ball Super is an animated series that follows the adventures of Goku and his friends as they battle powerful enemies. The term shitty animation refers to episodes of Dragon Ball Super that were poorly animated, with off-model characters, jerky movements, and inconsistent quality.

Why did dragon ball super have bad animation?

There were several reasons for the poor animation in Dragon Ball Super. One of the main factors was a tight production schedule, which often meant that episodes had to be completed quickly and with limited resources. Some episodes were outsourced to other studios, which resulted in a noticeable drop in quality.

What were some of the worst examples of dragon ball super shitty animation?

Some of the most infamous examples of bad animation in Dragon Ball Super include:

  1. The episode where Goku fights Hit, which featured choppy animation and strange character designs.
  2. The episode where Gohan battles Lavender, which was criticized for its subpar animation and stiff fight scenes.
  3. The episode where Goku and Caulifla square off, which was panned for its awkward pacing and lack of dynamic action.

Did the animation improve in later episodes of dragon ball super?

Yes, the animation quality in Dragon Ball Super improved over time. Starting with the Universe Survival arc, the series began to feature more consistent and well-animated episodes. However, there were still occasional dips in quality, particularly during episodes that were outsourced to other studios.