Explore the Incredible Animation of Mass Effect Andromeda: An In-Depth Look on Reddit


Mass Effect Andromeda, the fourth installment in the Mass Effect series, received a mixed response when it was released in 2017. One of the biggest criticisms was the subpar facial animations, which left many players feeling alienated. However, a recent Reddit post by animator Tal Peleg has shed some light on the development process behind the game's animations.

Peleg, who worked as a facial animator on Mass Effect Andromeda, revealed that the animation team was severely understaffed during the game's development. In fact, at one point, there were only two animators working on all of the game's facial animations. This lack of resources undoubtedly had an impact on the final product, but it also highlights the challenges faced by developers in the video game industry.

But why did the development team at BioWare decide to go with facial animations in the first place? According to Peleg, the decision was made early on in the development process. The team wanted to create more realistic and expressive characters, which they believed could be achieved through advanced animation techniques. Unfortunately, the team was unable to deliver on this promise due to resource constraints.

The discrepancy between what was promised and what was delivered can be frustrating for players, especially given the high expectations that come with the Mass Effect franchise. Many players have turned to mods and fan-made patches to improve the game's visuals, but these fixes can only go so far. The real issue lies with the development process itself.

It's not just Mass Effect Andromeda that has faced these kinds of problems, however. Other games, such as Fallout 76 and Anthem, have also been criticized for their lackluster animations and buggy gameplay. These issues are symptomatic of a larger problem within the video game industry: the pressure to release games quickly, often at the expense of quality.

Of course, it's not all doom and gloom. There are still developers out there who prioritize quality over speed, and who are committed to delivering the best possible gaming experience for players. These developers understand that video games are a form of entertainment, but they also recognize that they have the potential to tell compelling stories and create meaningful experiences.

In conclusion, the Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit post sheds light on the challenges faced by developers in the video game industry. Despite the criticisms leveled at the game, it's clear that the development team at BioWare was working with limited resources. Hopefully, this will serve as a wake-up call for publishers and developers alike, emphasizing the importance of investing in quality and giving developers the time and resources they need to create truly great games.

So, if you're a fan of the Mass Effect franchise or just curious about the video game industry, this Reddit post is definitely worth checking out. It provides valuable insight into the development process behind one of the most controversial games of recent years, and raises important questions about the future of the industry as a whole. Don't miss out!


Mass Effect Andromeda has been a sensation in the gaming community since its release back in March of 2017. Despite its success, the game has faced criticisms related to its facial animations, character designs, and dialogue. Recently, the Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit page has become a hotspot for fans to discuss these issues.

The Controversy

Players have been vocal about their disappointment with the animations in Mass Effect Andromeda since the game's launch. Many feel that the game's characters lack the ability to convey emotions in a realistic manner, leading to immersion-breaking moments during gameplay.The controversy reached its peak when a video showcasing some of the worst facial animations went viral on social media. The video featured several instances of characters making bizarre facial expressions, leading to widespread criticism of the game's animation team.

The Reddit Page

In response to the controversy, a Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit page was created. The page quickly became a platform for players to discuss their concerns about the game's animation and offer suggestions for improvement.The Reddit page serves as a hub for players to share gifs, screenshots, and videos highlighting the game's animation flaws. The page moderators work to ensure that the discussions remain constructive and focused on providing feedback to the game's developers.

The Impact of Reddit

The Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit page has provided players with an avenue to voice their dissatisfaction with the game's animation. The discussions and feedback on the page have played a role in shaping the actions taken by BioWare, the game's developer.BioWare has publicly acknowledged the issues with the game's animation and has taken steps to address them. The company has released several patches aimed at resolving the animation issues, and has promised continued support for the game.

The Future of Mass Effect Andromeda

Despite initially facing critical backlash, the Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit page has helped turn the game's fortunes around. BioWare's efforts to address the animation issues have proved successful in improving the game's overall quality.As a result, the game has seen a resurgence in popularity, with players returning to the game and expressing their satisfaction with the improvements made. With the continued support of the Reddit community, Mass Effect Andromeda has a bright future ahead.


The Mass Effect Andromeda animation Reddit page serves as a prime example of the power of community feedback in shaping the video game industry. While the controversy surrounding the game's animation was initially negative, players were able to use their collective voice to effect positive change.Thanks to the Reddit page and the dedication of the game's developers, Mass Effect Andromeda has been able to overcome its initial faults. The game is now widely regarded as a success and is poised for continued growth and improvement over time.

Mass Effect Andromeda Animation Reddit: A Comparison

If you’ve played Mass Effect Andromeda, then you’re already aware of the controversial animation problems that players encountered. Social media and Reddit forums were abuzz with complaints about the odd facial animations and robotic expressions of the game’s characters. Some called it a major problem for the game while others didn't find it a big deal.

The Controversy

The controversy surrounding Mass Effect Andromeda started shortly after the game was released. Many players took to social media and Reddit to complain about the strange facial animations and other bugs affecting the game. The game’s developer, Bioware Montreal, eventually came forward and acknowledged the issue, stating that they would work to improve on the game's animations in future patches.

However, despite the promises of improvements, the game continued to receive criticism from both fans and critics alike, with many saying that the animations were so bad that they detracted from the overall experience of playing the game.

The Animation Quality

When it comes to animation quality, there are a lot of factors to consider. Andromeda has a large cast of characters, each with their own unique personality and backstory. While some of the facial animations were criticized for being robotic and dead, others found them to be just fine.

Many of the scenes featuring the player character and their squad were well-animated, with some particularly impressive cinematic moments scattered throughout the game. However, the more mundane conversations with NPCs often felt static and unnatural, giving the impression that the characters weren't fully engaged with the dialogue they were reciting.

Facial Expressions

One of the biggest issues with Andromeda's animation was the strange facial expressions that characters would make when speaking to the player. Many of these expressions were exaggerated and seemed to change from one moment to the next, leading to some awkward conversations.

However, it's worth noting that some players didn't find this issue to be a dealbreaker. Some felt that the odd expressions gave the characters a bit more personality and made them feel more human.

Motion Capture

One key element of animation quality is motion capture, which involves recording the movements and expressions of actors and using that data to create realistic animations for in-game characters. Andromeda employed motion capture extensively, with actors wearing specialized suits covered in sensors and cameras that recorded their movements.

Despite this technology, many players still felt that the animations fell short. While some scenes looked good, others came off as wooden and lifeless – leading some fans to speculate that the motion capture may have been rushed or underfunded.

Patch Fixes

After the outcry over Andromeda's animation problems, Bioware Montreal released several patches aimed at addressing the issues. These patches included improvements to facial animations, as well as general performance and stability fixes.

While many players noticed a difference after the patches, others felt that the problems persisted. Some felt that the fixes simply weren't enough to salvage the game's animation quality, while others were satisfied with the changes that were made.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the animation quality in Mass Effect Andromeda was a point of substantial controversy among fans and critics. While some players felt that the problems were overblown, others saw it as a significant setback for the game. Ultimately, opinions on the game's animation quality will vary depending on the player, their expectations, and their personal tastes.

Animation Issues Players' Opinions
Facial Expressions Some felt that they added more personality to the characters while others found them to be awkward and unrealistic
Motion Capture Many saw it as an opportunity to create realistic animations, but some speculated that it may have been underfunded or rushed
Patch Fixes Opinions varied on whether the fixes were enough to improve the game's animation quality

In the end, one important point to remember is that animation quality is subjective. While Mass Effect Andromeda certainly had its issues, some players may still find the game to be enjoyable despite these problems. And with all of the improvements Bioware Montreal has made since the game’s release, some players may find that the game’s animation is now up to par.

Tips and Tricks for Perfecting Mass Effect Andromeda Animations Shared on Reddit

Are you a Mass Effect fan and looking to improve your animation skills in Mass Effects: Andromeda? Then, you have come to the right place! Here are some tips and tricks shared by Reddit users that can help you create stunning animations in this game.

Use the In-game Tool for Calibration

Before you start animating, it’s important to properly calibrate your controls. And the best way to do that is by using the in-game tool called “Calibration Mode.” This will help you set up your keyboard keys and mouse movement so that you have full control over your character's movements.

Start with Simple Animations

As a beginner animator, it's essential to keep your initial goals reasonable. By creating a simple movement first, such as walking or running, you can focus on gaining a good understanding of the animation system used in the game.

Pay Attention to Bodyweight and Balance

In addition to making realistic moves while walking or running, putting a focus on balance is important when animating in Mass Effect: Andromeda. To make movements look more realistic, each character's bodyweight and balance should be taken into account.

Use Smooth Transitions

Smooth transitions are critical when it comes to creating a cohesive animation. With the ‘Transitions Graph,” you can achieve comfortable, smooth character transitions between animations. Think about how a character would move from one pose to another, and apply it to your animation to get a smooth transition.

Take Inspiration from Real Life

To bring a touch of realism into your animation, observe how people move in real life – walk around your room and take note of how your body moves. This will help you understand how a person moves and also help you build your personal library of motion references.

Read up on Keyframes

Keyframes can help you create fast movements and smooth character transitions in Mass Effect: Andromeda. It’s important to have an in-depth understanding of what keyframes are and when to use them. Additionally, make sure to pause parts of your animation and check for any jerky movements or awkward posing that may need correction.

Use the Camera to Your Advantage

Using the camera to enhance movement possibilities or add depth to your animations is a great way to elevate your work. Knowing how to manipulate the camera to achieve desired effects can make your work more engaging and effective.

The Importance of Feedback

Getting feedback from your peers is vital in improving your animations. Share your work with others and ask them for feedback. Listening to criticism and making changes to your work can help you grow as an animator.

Practice Makes Perfect

Creating beautiful animations requires practice, so keep at it! Even if you’re frustrated with your results, persistence pays off – keep learning new techniques and skills, test new animations, and continually challenge yourself.

Use Community Resources

There are excellent resources on Reddit, from which you can learn endless tips and tricks, including links to online tutorials, portfolios, and other animation-related materials. Join relevant subreddits and stay connected with the community to stay updated with the latest trends and techniques.In conclusion, creating exceptional animations in Mass Effect: Andromeda requires practice and attention to detail. Understand the tools at your disposal and don’t be afraid to take inspiration from your surroundings. Finally, use the community resources available to you to hone your skill, stay inspired, and keep growing.

Exploring the Debate on Mass Effect Andromeda Animation on Reddit

Mass Effect Andromeda was one of the most anticipated games of 2017, but when it finally hit the market, it became the subject of much criticism, particularly for its animations. Gamers took to Reddit to voice their opinions on the quality of the animation, and the debate has been raging ever since. In this article, we’ll explore the different arguments presented by both sides of the debate.

The Argument Against the Animations

The main argument against the animations is that they are simply not up to par with what gamers have come to expect from modern video games. Critics claim that the facial animations in particular look stiff, awkward, and often downright creepy. Many also point to the fact that several of the characters’ faces seem to be frozen in a permanent expression, making them seem less human than one would expect.

One of the biggest complaints about the animations was the lack of consistency throughout the game. Some cutscenes and characters seemed perfectly fine, while others were absolutely jarring. This inconsistency is a major point of contention, as it makes the flaws that much more apparent.

Another issue that’s been raised has to do with lip syncing. In many scenes, it appears as though the characters are speaking before or after their lips are moving, which can be frustrating and distracting. It’s worth noting that some players have reported fewer animation issues on PC than on consoles, suggesting that the game may have been rushed in order to meet certain release deadlines.

The Argument For the Animations

Not everyone agrees that there is a problem with the animations. Some argue that the criticisms are overblown and that, while the animations may not be perfect, they don’t detract from the overall gaming experience. Others have said that the issues are simply a side effect of the game’s massive undertaking and that, given the scope of the game, it’s impressive that there are as few issues as there are.

There’s also an argument to be made that because Mass Effect Andromeda is a game that allows players to make choices that affect the story and gameplay, focusing too much on the animations distracts from what the game is really about. It’s less about how the characters look and more about the choices the player makes.

Finally, some players note that the game has received multiple updates since its release in 2017, and that many of the animation issues have been addressed. While this doesn’t excuse the fact that the game had issues at launch, it does suggest that the developers were actively working to improve the overall experience for the players.

The Impact of Reddit

Many gamers turned to Reddit to voice their opinions on the game’s animation issues. Posts ranged from detailed write-ups pointing out specific issues to memes poking fun at the flaws in the game. Some users even created custom mods to try and fix some of the issues themselves.

The impact of the Reddit discussion cannot be overstated. The criticisms caught the attention of several major news outlets, who wrote about the controversy surrounding the game’s animation issues. Some even speculated that the animation problems had a negative impact on sales, as players were hesitant to buy the game before the issues were addressed.

Despite the criticism, however, Mass Effect Andromeda was a commercial success. The game sold over two million copies within its first week of release, making it the fastest-selling game in BioWare’s history at the time.


When it comes to the debate on Mass Effect Andromeda’s animation issues, both sides have valid points. While many gamers were left disappointed by the flaws in the animations, others argue that these issues don’t detract from the overall experience of the game.

What’s clear, however, is that the discussion on Reddit had a major impact on the public perception of the game. Whether or not it actually had an impact on sales figures is impossible to know for sure, but the widespread criticism of the game’s animations cannot be denied.

At the end of the day, Mass Effect Andromeda remains a controversial game, and one that will continue to be debated for years to come. However, for those who are willing to overlook the animation issues, there’s still a lot to love about the game, from its massive open world to its engaging story and memorable characters.

Thank you for reading this article on the Mass Effect Andromeda Animation debate on Reddit. We hope you found it informative and interesting!

People Also Ask About Mass Effect Andromeda Animation Reddit: Explained

What is Mass Effect Andromeda?

Mass Effect Andromeda is a sci-fi action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. It was released in 2017 and is the fourth installment of the Mass Effect series.

What is Mass Effect Andromeda Animation Reddit?

Mass Effect Andromeda Animation Reddit is a community on the social media platform Reddit that discusses the animation and graphics of Mass Effect Andromeda. Users share their thoughts and opinions, as well as tips and tricks for improving gameplay experience.

What were the criticisms of Mass Effect Andromeda's animation?

Players and critics criticized the animation of Mass Effect Andromeda for its lack of facial expressions and awkward movements. Many felt that it detracted from the overall immersion of the game. The quality of the animation even spawned memes and jokes online.

  1. Unnatural facial expressions and movements
  2. Poor lip syncing with dialogue
  3. Stiff character animations
  4. Low-quality textures and models

Did BioWare fix the animation issues in Mass Effect Andromeda?

Yes, BioWare released several patches after the game's launch to address the animation issues in Mass Effect Andromeda. These updates improved the facial animations, lip syncing, and character movements to make them more natural and fluid.

Is Mass Effect Andromeda still worth playing despite the animation issues?

Yes, Mass Effect Andromeda is still worth playing despite the animation issues. The game offers a compelling story, interesting characters, and engaging gameplay mechanics. With the updates that BioWare has released, the animation issues are not as distracting as they once were, and many players have still enjoyed the game despite its flaws.