Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation: The Epic Witch Trial comes to Life in English!


Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation: An Anime That Will Blow Your Mind Away

Are you a fan of anime and have been looking for something new and thrilling? Look no further as Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation will take your breath away.

What sets this anime apart from the rest is its unique storyline that blends the elements of court and magic, making it one of a kind.

The anime follows the story of a defense attorney named Cecilia who defends her client using magical spells and powers.

The first episode itself will leave you wanting more. It sets up the foundation of the protagonist's character and showcases how she uses her powers to win cases in the court of law. The animation quality is exceptional, making every scene captivating and appealing to the eye.

One of the most exciting aspects of this anime is how it blurs the line between good and evil. As Cecilia delves deeper into her cases, she uncovers secrets that leave her questioning her own beliefs.

Another aspect that stands out is how the characters are developed. Each character has its backstory, and as the story progresses, we get to see their motivations and how they connect with the overarching plot.

The anime explores themes such as corruption, betrayal, and morality, making it thought-provoking and engaging.

What's more, the voice acting is top-notch, with each character having their unique voice that adds to their individuality.

If you are a fan of the visual novel 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney,' you will love this anime adaptation.

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation has received critical acclaim and has been praised for its unique story, animation quality, and character development. It has left fans eagerly waiting for the next episode.

So, if you want to experience a mind-bending story with captivating animation that will leave you wanting more, Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is the anime for you.

Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure; watch it now!

An Introduction to Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is an anime television series based on a visual novel game of the same name. It first aired in Japan from April 2016 to June 2016. The anime adaptation was produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Ayumu Watanabe. The series is set in a world where witches exist alongside humans, and it follows a young lawyer, Cecil Sudo, as he navigates through trials with witch defendants.

The Plot

The series starts with Cecil Sudo, who is an idealistic young lawyer who believes that everyone deserves a fair trial, even witches. He works for the law firm, Hedeby and Ragnaroo, which specializes in trying cases involving witches. In this world, witches are required by law to confess their crimes before being executed. However, Cecil believes that the system is flawed and that some witches may be falsely accused. His boss, Revie Cromwell, assigns him his first case, defending a witch named Fiona Reynaud.

The story then unfolds as Cecil defends other witches while trying to uncover the truth behind their accusations. Along the way, he discovers a conspiracy involving the government and the Church of Saint Aria. He also meets other lawyers and witches who become his allies in his fight for justice.

The Characters

The series has a diverse cast of characters, each with their own personalities and motives. The main character, Cecil Sudo, is a young lawyer who is determined to defend witches, even if it means going against the law. He is also shown to be caring and empathetic towards others.

Other characters include Revie Cromwell, Cecil's boss, who is known for her brilliant legal mind but has a troubled past. Fiona Reynaud, the first witch that Cecil defends, is a dainty and polite girl who is accused of murdering her lover. The main antagonist, Nico Servas, is a ruthless prosecutor who is driven by his ambition to climb the ranks in the legal system. There are also several other lawyers and witches who play important roles in the story.

The Themes

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation deals with several themes, including justice, discrimination, and corruption. The series highlights the flaws of the legal system and questions the morality of executing witches without proper evidence. It also shows how discrimination against witches has led to their mistreatment and unfair treatment in society. The series also exposes the corrupt politicians and officials who abuse their power for personal gain.

The Animation

The animation in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is vibrant and colorful. The character designs are intricate, and each character's clothing is tailored to their personalities. The backgrounds are detailed, and the use of lighting and shadows adds depth and atmosphere to the scenes. The animation also features fluid movements during action scenes, making them exciting to watch.

The Soundtrack

The soundtrack in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation perfectly complements the story. The music is composed by Kaoru Wada, and it features a mix of orchestral and rock-inspired tunes. The opening theme, Kaze no Uta by Koji Wada, is catchy, and the lyrics reflect the series' theme of fighting for what is right. The ending theme, Seiran no Ato de by Tokyo Performance Doll, is a soothing ballad that brings closure to each episode.


Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is a must-watch for any fan of legal dramas and fantasy. Its complex storyline, relatable characters, and thought-provoking themes make it an engaging watch. The animation and music are also top-notch and add to the series' overall appeal. It is a series that will keep you entertained from start to finish.

Comparison: Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation - Anime vs Game


Gyakuten Majo Saiban, also known as Ace Attorney or Phoenix Wright in the west, is a popular visual novel game series that has been adapted into anime format. Fans of the game were naturally excited to see their favorite characters and storylines come to life on screen. But how does the anime adaptation compare to the original game? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the key differences between the two versions.

The Story and Characters

The plot and characters in the anime are largely faithful to the source material. The story centers around defense attorney Phoenix Wright as he goes head-to-head with prosecutors and seeks to uncover the truth behind a series of high-profile murder cases. The core cast of characters, including attorney Mia Fey, assistant Maya Fey, and prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, all make appearances in both the game and anime.That being said, there are some differences in the way the story is presented. The anime condenses some of the cases from the game, resulting in a faster pace and fewer opportunities for players to piece together clues and solve the mysteries themselves. Additionally, some minor characters and storylines are cut or streamlined to fit the shorter runtime of the anime episodes.

Visuals and Design

One of the most noticeable differences between the game and anime is in their visuals. The game features pixel art and static backgrounds, while the anime boasts full color animation and dynamic camera angles. The character designs in the anime do closely resemble their game counterparts, but fans may have their own preferences when it comes to which version they prefer.Another aspect of the animation design is the use of visual effects. The anime makes liberal use of exaggerated expressions, dramatic camera pans, and other tricks to emphasize the more over-the-top moments of the game's courtroom battles. Fans of the game may appreciate seeing their favorite scenes brought to life in this way, while others may find it distracting or too jarring.

Music and Sound Effects

The game is known for its iconic soundtrack, which features catchy tunes that perfectly set the tone for each case. The anime adaptation uses many of the same songs, but also introduces some new tracks and themes. Fans of the game will likely appreciate hearing these beloved pieces of music again in a new context, but may also be pleasantly surprised by the new compositions introduced in the anime.In terms of sound effects, the anime uses familiar audio cues from the game when characters present evidence or make objections in court. It's a nice touch that can help to transport viewers back to their own experiences playing the game.

Voice Acting and Dialogue

One of the biggest departures from the game is the addition of voice acting in the anime. Characters speak aloud their lines of dialogue, adding a new dimension to the storytelling. Many fans of the game have strong ideas about how certain characters should sound, so the voice cast may not be everyone's cup of tea. However, overall the performances are solid and convey the emotions and personalities of Phoenix Wright and his associates.When it comes to dialogue, the anime stays true to much of the script from the game. However, there are some changes and additions to accommodate the different medium. Some jokes are reworked or explain further for the benefit of newcomers, while some references to Japan-specific culture and history are altered to appeal to a wider international audience.

Cultural Differences

As mentioned above, the anime adaptation has made some modifications to the cultural references in the original game. These changes help to make the story accessible to viewers outside of Japan, but also mean that some of the game's signature quirks are lost in translation. For example, the game frequently features puns and wordplay that are difficult to translate, resulting in more straightforward dialogue in the anime.

Gameplay vs Watching

Perhaps the most obvious difference between the game and anime versions of Gyakuten Majo Saiban is the way players and viewers interact with the story. Playing the game allows players to take on the role of Phoenix Wright, presenting evidence and making objections during the courtroom battles. By contrast, watching the anime only allows for passive viewing of events.While playing the game offers a more immersive experience, it also requires more investment of time and mental energy. Some fans may prefer the relaxed pace of watching the anime, while others relish the challenge and engagement of the game.

Replay Value

Another advantage of the game over the anime is its replay value. After completing the game once, players can go back to try and find hidden clues or trigger different outcomes. Additionally, the game has multiple sequels and spin-offs that offer new cases and characters for players to explore. The anime, by contrast, is a self-contained adaptation with no potential for multiple endings or alternate routes.


One practical consideration for fans is the availability of the two versions. While the game has been widely released across various consoles and platforms, the anime is generally only available through streaming services or DVD/Blu-ray release. Fans who don't have access to these options may prefer the convenience of playing the game instead.

Overall Comparison

So, which version is better: the game or the anime? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. The game offers more interactivity and replay value, as well as a more detailed and nuanced experience. The anime, on the other hand, provides an entertaining and visually stunning way to revisit the story and characters.Fans of the game will likely appreciate the anime version as a way to see their favorite scenes and characters come to life, even if some elements are inevitably lost in translation. Meanwhile, newcomers to the franchise may find the anime more accessible and easier to digest than diving into the game series.

Final Thoughts

In the end, whether you prefer the game or the anime adaptation of Gyakuten Majo Saiban is a matter of individual taste. Both versions offer their own unique strengths and challenges, and both have their own dedicated fanbases. Whether you're a longtime fan or just discovering the franchise, there's plenty of intrigue and excitement to be found in this thrilling courtroom drama.

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation: Tips and Tutorial


Gyakuten Majo Saiban, also known as Ace Attorney, is a popular video game turned anime series that revolves around the world of law and crime. It follows the journey of a rookie defence attorney, Phoenix Wright, as he defends various clients who have been wrongfully accused of committing crimes. The anime displays a unique blend of courtroom drama, comedy, and mystery, making it an enthralling watch for its viewers. This article will provide you with some tips and tricks to help you understand how to enjoy and follow the story more effectively.

1. Understanding the characters

The first tip for anyone getting into Gyakuten Majo Saiban is to take the time to understand the characters. The show has a wide range of characters, and each plays an essential role in the story. By understanding their personalities and motivations, you can enjoy the series better.

Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright is the protagonist of the series. He is a rookie defence attorney with a strong sense of justice. He is passionate about proving his clients' innocence and finding the truth at all costs.

Mia Fey

Mia Fey is Phoenix's mentor and an experienced defence attorney. She guides him through his first cases, showing him the ropes of the court.

Miles Edgeworth

Miles Edgeworth is Phoenix's rival and a prodigious prosecutor. He is known for his ruthless tactics and unwavering conviction.

Pearl Fey

Pearl Fey is Mia's younger sister and a spirit medium. She becomes a valuable asset to Phoenix's cases, helping him communicate with the dead and gather evidence.

2. Pay Attention to the Evidence

The series is a visual novel that relies heavily on evidence and testimonies. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to every detail presented in the show, from the characters' words to the smallest pieces of evidence. Each piece of evidence has its significance and may provide the missing link in the case.

3. Look for contradictions

One of the primary ways to win cases in Gyakuten Majo Saiban is by exposing contradictions in the witnesses' testimonies. The show spends a lot of time building up the characters' testimony, giving you a chance to find the flaws in their stories. Pay attention to every word spoken and compare it to other testimonies or pieces of evidence.

4. Listen to Music

The music in Gyakuten Majo Saiban is iconic and adds to the overall experience of the anime. The music sets the mood for each scene, and familiarizing yourself with the soundtrack will provide an immersive experience.

5. Be open-minded

The plot twists of Gyakuten Majo Saiban can be unexpected and catch you off guard. Therefore, it is essential to have an open mind when watching the anime. Be prepared for unexpected revelations and be ready to accept new possibilities as they arise.

6. Enjoy the Humour

Despite being set in a courtroom, Gyakuten Majo Saiban is full of humour. The characters' personalities contrast to provide light-hearted moments, keeping the show from becoming too serious. Enjoy the comic relief moments without taking away from the story's drama.

7. Watch in Chronological Order

Gyakuten Majo Saiban is composed of different cases that are standalone but also make up a more significant story arc. It is best to watch them in chronological order to avoid confusion and have a better understanding of the story.

8. Play the Game

If you enjoyed the anime, consider playing the game. The show is based on a video game, and the games include many more cases than the anime. The experience of playing the game is different from watching the anime and will provide you with a deeper appreciation for the series.

9. Pay Attention to the Sound Effects

The sound effects play an important role in the series. Paying attention to the sound will help you notice small clues that may not have been apparent otherwise.

10. Participate in discussions

Sharing your ideas and opinions on the show with friends or other fans can provide a deeper understanding of the series. It also gives you the chance to hear other points of view and theories which can enhance the overall experience of watching Gyakuten Majo Saiban.


Gyakuten Majo Saiban is a unique anime series that combines elements of courtroom drama, comedy, and mystery. Understanding the characters, paying attention to evidence, finding contradictions, and being open-minded are some tips that will help you enjoy the show more effectively. Remember to listen to the music, enjoy the humour, watch in chronological order, play the game, pay attention to sound effects and participate in discussions to enhance the experience. Follow these tips, and you are sure to have an enjoyable time watching Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation.

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation: A Must-Watch Series for Anime Fans!

Are you a fan of anime and magic? Then, you should not miss watching Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation. Adapted from a popular mobile game in Japan, this anime series by Feel Studio offers an excellent combination of legal drama, supernatural powers, and visual delights.

Set in a fantasy world where witches are prosecuted for their supernatural abilities, the story follows the young defense attorney Leviathan as she takes on cases that challenge the status quo. Each episode, we get to see how she and her team of investigators unravel the mysteries behind magical crimes, fighting against corrupt prosecutors and uncovering hidden truths.

What makes Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation stand out from the crowd is not only the exciting storytelling but also its imaginative universe, where magic spells, curses, and other incredible phenomena coexist with mundane objects and modern technology. The animation style is vibrant and expressive, making every scene come alive with vivid colors and dynamic movements. From the courtroom battles to the behind-the-scenes investigations, you will be captivated by the stunning visuals and the fast-paced action.

The characters in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation are also well-developed and intriguing, each with their unique personalities and backgrounds. Leviathan, our protagonist, is a stubborn but compassionate lawyer who strives to defend the innocent and expose the truth. Other notable characters include her assistant, Cielle, a sensible and loyal sidekick who provides tech support and research; the prosecutor, Belial, a ruthless antagonist who uses his power to crush anyone in his way; and the witnesses and clients, who often have hidden motives and secrets that make the plot more intricate.

Moreover, the themes explored in the series are relevant and thought-provoking, touching on issues such as discrimination, justice, and morality. As Leviathan and her colleagues dig deeper into the cases, they discover the dark side of society and how some people are willing to sacrifice others for their own gain. The conflicts between the witches and the authorities reflect real-world tensions between different groups and raise questions about the limits of power and the importance of compassion.

If you are looking for a series that blends magic and law, action and drama, humor and suspense, Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is an excellent choice. Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or a newbie, you will find something to enjoy in this captivating show. So why not give it a try and see for yourself?

Overall, Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is a gem of a series that deserves more attention and praise. Its combination of storytelling, animation, and themes makes it stand out in the crowded world of anime and legal dramas. So if you are curious about what happens when witches go to court, don't hesitate to watch this thrilling and magical show.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope you have found it informative and entertaining. Please share your thoughts and opinions on Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation in the comments below, and let us know what you think!

People Also Ask About Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation

What is Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation?

Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is a Japanese animated television series based on the visual novel video game of the same name. It follows the story of a defense lawyer named Reiji Mitsurugi, who defends those accused of witchcraft.

Is Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation available to stream?

Yes, Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation is available for streaming on various websites such as Crunchyroll and Funimation.

How many episodes are there in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation?

There are a total of 12 episodes in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation.

Who are the main characters in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation?

The main characters in Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation are:

  • Reiji Mitsurugi - a defense lawyer
  • Ruria Tatsumi - a prosecutor
  • Alice Sera - a accused witch

Is Gyakuten Majo Saiban The Animation worth watching?

It really depends on your personal preferences. If you enjoy mystery and suspense with a touch of fantasy, then you may enjoy this anime. However, if you prefer action-packed anime, then this may not be for you.