Illaoi E Animation Cancel Guide: Mastering the Art of Quick and Strategic Attacks


Are you tired of playing Illaoi in League of Legends without maximizing her potential? Do you often wonder how to cancel her animations to make her combos more efficient? Look no further, because we're here to teach you the Illaoi E animation cancel that will elevate your gameplay!

Firstly, let's discuss why the Illaoi E animation cancel is so important. It allows you to stack Spirit Vessel faster, deal more damage in a shorter amount of time, and escape ganks with ease. With this technique, you can dominate your lane and team fights like never before.

Now, let's dive into the mechanics of the Illaoi E animation cancel. After using your E ability (Test of Spirit), quickly use your W ability (Harsh Lesson) to attack the vessel. Then, press Q (Tentacle Smash) to pull the spirit back towards you. If done correctly, this will cancel the animation of your Q ability, allowing you to use it again immediately. Rinse and repeat for maximum damage output.

But wait, that's not all! You can also utilize Illaoi's R ability (Leap of Faith) in combination with the E animation cancel for even more devastating results. After using the E-W-Q combo, activate your ultimate and watch the tentacles wreak havoc on the enemy team. You'll be amazed at how quickly they crumble under your might.

Not convinced yet? Let's look at some statistics. According to OP.GG, Illaoi has a 53.05% win rate with a 6.21% pick rate in Platinum elo and above. By mastering the E animation cancel, you can easily climb the ranks and become a feared Illaoi player.

Of course, learning the E animation cancel takes practice and timing. But with enough repetition, it will become second nature and you'll wonder how you ever played Illaoi without it. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing and dominate the Rift with your newfound knowledge!

In conclusion, the Illaoi E animation cancel is a game-changing technique that every Illaoi player should learn. It allows for faster stacking of Spirit Vessel, increased damage output, and easy escapes from ganks. By combining it with her ultimate, you can become an unstoppable force in lane and team fights. Don't let your Illaoi gameplay be mediocre - master the E animation cancel today!


As one of the most powerful Juggernauts in League of Legends, Illaoi is known for her overwhelming presence on the battlefield. With her tentacles and spirits, she can easily turn the tide of a team fight. But there's more to her gameplay than meets the eye. One of the advanced techniques that experienced players use with Illaoi is animation canceling.

What is Animation Canceling?

Animation canceling, as the name suggests, is the act of interrupting or skipping a champion's animation in order to perform another action faster than usual. This can be done by canceling the backswing of an attack, ability, or movement animation with another input. This technique can shave off precious milliseconds in executing combos or escaping danger.

The importance of Animation Canceling with Illaoi

Illaoi's kit revolves around her tentacles and spirits, which require her to stay in place for a certain amount of time to activate or channel. Her abilities have lengthy animations that can leave her vulnerable to counterattacks or crowd control. Animation canceling allows her to reduce the delay between her actions, making her more unpredictable and harder to catch.

How to perform E Animation Canceling with Illaoi

Illaoi's E ability, or Test of Spirit, is her signature move that pulls out the spirit of an enemy champion, making them vulnerable to damage and slowing them down if they move away from it. To perform the E animation cancel, you need to follow these steps:- Cast your E on an enemy champion.- Immediately press Q or W right after casting E, before the tentacle slam animation finishes.- Your Q or W will now execute faster than usual, surprising your opponent and dealing more damage.

Tips and tricks for mastering Illaoi's E Animation Canceling

Like any advanced technique, E animation canceling requires practice and timing to pull off consistently. Here are some tips that can help you master it:- Use smartcast to eliminate the need to click on your abilities.- Try to aim your E at the farthest possible range to maximize the distance between you and your opponent.- Vary the timing of your Q or W input to keep your opponent guessing.- Use your ultimate, Leap of Faith, after a successful E animation cancel to devastate multiple enemies.


Illaoi's E animation canceling may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in your gameplay. By mastering this technique, you can surprise your opponents with burst damage and mobility, and apply more pressure in team fights. Try it out in practice mode or in real games and see how it can elevate your Illaoi game.

Mastering Illaoi’s E Animation Cancel


Illaoi is a powerful juggernaut champion in League of Legends and, like many champions, she possesses unique mechanics that require mastery to fully utilize. One such mechanic is the E animation cancel, which can greatly increase Illaoi’s damage output and playmaking potential. In this article, we will explore what the E animation cancel is, how to execute it, and provide a comparison of the benefits and drawbacks of using it.

What is the E Animation Cancel?

The E animation cancel is the act of canceling the animation of Illaoi’s Test of Spirit (E) ability by quickly casting a different ability after landing the E. This allows Illaoi to bypass the lengthy animation of the E tentacle pull, leading to a quicker follow-up damage combo on the enemy champion. The animation cancel works because Illaoi's Q, W, and R abilities all reset her auto-attack timer, allowing her to immediately follow the E with another attack or spell.

How to Execute the E Animation Cancel

To execute the E animation cancel, you must first land the E on an opponent. Immediately after the E connects, quickly cast Illaoi’s Q, W or R ability. If done correctly, the E animation will be cancelled and you can immediately start a new attack or spell animation. A common mistake is to wait too long or cast another ability too early, which can result in a failed animation cancel and a lost opportunity for damage.

Comparison: Benefits of the E Animation Cancel

The main benefit of the E animation cancel is increased damage potential. By canceling the E animation, Illaoi gains precious time to cast another ability or attack, which can significantly increase the amount of damage dealt to the enemy champion. The animation cancel also adds unpredictability to Illaoi’s playstyle, making it harder for opponents to anticipate and react to her attacks.

Examples of Increased Damage Potential

Combo Without E Animation Cancel With E Animation Cancel
E + Q + W + R 8 tentacle slams + 1 auto-attack 8 tentacle slams + 2 auto-attacks + 2 extra tentacle slams from ultimate reset
E + W + Q 2 tentacle slams + 1 auto-attack 2 tentacle slams + 2 auto-attacks

Unpredictability in Playstyle

The E animation cancel also allows for more early game pressure than Illaoi might have otherwise. Because it is faster to go through Test of Spirit, the opponent may not have enough time to fully react when they see a Tentacle slam down. The lack of information creates uncertainty about the situation, which is an advantage for Illaoi.

Comparison: Drawbacks of the E Animation Cancel

While the E animation cancel can greatly increase Illaoi’s damage output, it does come with some drawbacks. For one, it requires fast reactions and accurate timing, which can take time to master. It can also leave Illaoi vulnerable if executed incorrectly, as she may be caught in a dangerous position after cancelling the animation. Additionally, the animation cancel requires more mana than simply casting E and following up with a single ability.

Requiring Fast Reaction

The E animation cancel requires quick reflexes and precise timing in order to be executed properly. This can take some time to master, especially for new Illaoi players.

Leaving Illaoi Vulnerable

If the E animation cancel is executed incorrectly, or if Illaoi's other abilities are on cooldown, she may find herself in a vulnerable position without any means of escape. This can lead to her being caught out and killed by the enemy team.

Costing More Mana

The E animation cancel requires more mana than simply casting E followed by a single ability. This can be a disadvantage if Illaoi is low on mana or needs to conserve it for other abilities.

Conclusion and Opinion

Overall, the E animation cancel is a powerful technique for Illaoi players to master. The increase in damage potential and unpredictability in playstyle makes it an attractive option, especially for experienced players who have mastered the technique’s execution. However, it does come with some drawbacks, such as requiring fast reactions and accurate timing, as well as leaving Illaoi vulnerable and using more mana. We recommend that players practice the E animation cancel in custom games or against bots before attempting it in a real game where mistakes can cost your team.

Tips and Tricks: A Comprehensive Guide to Illaoi's E Animation Cancel


Illaoi is a unique champion in League of Legends, with her unconventional playstyle and kit. One of her most powerful and efficient tricks is the E Animation Cancel. This move allows Illaoi to cast Eye of the Goddes (E) while also performing basic attacks, which can lead to devastating damage output. In this article, we'll break down the steps and share tips on how to effectively use the E Animation Cancel in your games.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here's how you can perform the E Animation Cancel:1. Start by casting Eye of the Goddess (E) on an enemy champion or minion.2. After casting E, quickly input a basic attack on the target by using your right-click button.3. Right after your basic attack lands, cancel the animation by pressing the movement button. You can use the S key or the right-click button to cancel the animation.4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until the E duration ends or the target dies.

Timing is Everything

Timing is crucial when it comes to the E Animation Cancel. The window of opportunity to input a basic attack immediately after casting E is quite small. You need to practice and master the timing to fully utilize this trick. Keep in mind that different champions have different attack animations, so get a feel for Illaoi's basic attack timing to improve your execution.

Dancing with the Enemy

Once you have the timing down, you can start to dance around your enemy while the E is still active. Keep moving and positioning yourself strategically to land multiple basic attacks while also dodging incoming skillshots or attacks. This can make you a difficult target for enemies to take down and lead to a significant amount of damage output.

Minion Farming

The E Animation Cancel can also be useful for clearing minion waves efficiently. If you're trying to push a lane, use E on a minion and then quickly input basic attacks to clear the wave faster. This allows you to save mana and time while also gaining gold and experience.

Don't Overextend

While the E Animation Cancel can be powerful, it also requires you to be close to your target. This can make you vulnerable to ganks or enemy abilities. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid overextending. Don't let your eagerness to deal damage result in a costly mistake.


The E Animation Cancel may take some time and practice to master, but it can greatly improve your gameplay as Illaoi. Remember to focus on timing, dance around your enemies, farm minions efficiently, and don't overextend. Practice these tips in-game, and soon you'll be casting E like a pro. Good luck on the Rift!

Illaoi E Animation Cancel: Master the Trick and Dominate the Game

Welcome to the world of Illaoi, the foe-smiting Kraken Priestess who is widely known for her destructive tentacles. The champion has a set of unique abilities that often take some time to master, but one trick that separates elite Illaoi players from the mediocre ones is her 'E Animation Cancel'.

Illaoi's E animation cancel is a skillful technique allowing Illaoi players to cast their Test of Spirit (E) Ability without allowing the animation to complete. SO, today we will discuss everything related to this trick and how you can master it to take your Illaoi gameplay to the next level.

To understand the E animation cancel, let's first look at how the Illaoi E ability works:

Illaoi targets an enemy champion or spirit, and if successful, launches a tentacle that upon hitting the target, spawns a spirit from their location. The spirit is tethered to the enemy and has 10 seconds to be destroyed; otherwise, it will return to Illaoi, healing her while also dealing physical damage. This attack pulls a small amount of the target's soul, reducing their movement speed, and transferring it to the spirit.

So how do you cancel the animation?

The animation cancel requires precise timing and quick reactions. As soon as Illaoi launches the projectile, quickly use the 'T' button on your keyboard to recall your active spirit or directly attack the spirit and press W simultaneously. If done correctly, the spirit will be pulled back instantly, saving Illaoi's downtime between attacks while keeping her near the tethered enemy. As simple as it sounds, mastering this trick takes continuous practice and muscle memory.

Now that we know what the E animation cancel is let's dive into the benefits of incorporating it into your gameplay:

1. It saves time: Canceling the E animation allows Illaoi players to pull back their spirits quicker than waiting for the animation to complete. This sweet trick gives Illaoi players an extra few seconds between attacks to transfer as much damage onto their opponents as possible.

2. Improves positioning: By canceling the E animation, Illaoi can reposition herself closer to her tethered opponent, allowing her to follow up with more tentacle attacks and deal more damage instantly.

3. Confuses Enemies: E animation cancel is a unique technique that often takes opponents by surprise, leading them to retreat or miscalculate their approach, thereby giving you an advantage over them in the game.

4. Provides more flexibility: By using the E animation cancel, Illaoi can continue attacking other minions for gold farming while still waiting for the pull on the spirit to happen, thus keeping her ahead of enemies when it comes to farming gold.

5. Increases Kill potential: By taking advantage of the precious few seconds created by canceling the E animation, Illaoi can launch several consecutive tentacle attacks before the enemy recovers, which could easily lead to a kill.

The benefits of the E animation cancel are numerous, and once mastered, Illaoi players can truly get the most out of their champion. However, it's important to remember that this trick requires constant practice and muscle memory for smooth execution.

To wrap it up, mastering the E animation cancel means staying ahead of your opponents as an Illaoi player. Though it may take a while to perfect, becoming comfortable with this trick guarantees game-changing moves, successful kills, and overall game domination. So, practice constantly, take your time, and watch your gameplay become elite.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has been helpful. Keep practicing!

People Also Ask About Illaoi E Animation Cancel

What is Illaoi E Animation Cancel?

Illaoi is a champion in League of Legends known for her ability to deal a lot of damage, especially in team fights. The E animation cancel is a technique used by players to maximize Illaoi's effectiveness in combat.

How do you perform Illaoi E Animation Cancel?

The Illaoi E animation cancel involves pressing the Q and E buttons simultaneously while attacking an enemy. This cancels the animation of the E ability, allowing for a smoother transition into the Q attack.

Why is Illaoi E Animation Cancel important?

  • It allows Illaoi to deal more damage in a shorter amount of time.
  • It can help in taking down tanks and other high health targets.
  • It can also surprise enemies who may not expect the sudden burst of damage.

Is Illaoi E Animation Cancel difficult to perform?

Like any new mechanic, it may take some practice to get the timing just right. However, with enough practice, performing the Illaoi E animation cancel can become second nature.

Are there any downsides to Illaoi E Animation Cancel?

  • It requires good timing and practice to execute correctly.
  • It can be difficult to pull off in the heat of a team fight.
  • If done incorrectly, it can leave you vulnerable to attack.


The Illaoi E animation cancel is an important technique for maximizing Illaoi's damage output in League of Legends. While it may take some practice to master, the benefits of being able to effectively use this mechanic outweigh the potential downsides.