Master the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel in League of Legends and Dominate the Rift!


Are you a League of Legends player searching for ways to increase your champion's efficiency? Do you want your champion to have a faster or more effective Ultimate move? Look no further – the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel is the answer!

Introduced by the Korean eSports team, SK Telecom T1's Duke during the 2016 LCK Summer Split, animation cancelling has become an important technique for players worldwide. This technique allows players to bypass part of an animation, cutting down the time it takes to execute their actions and giving them an advantage against opponents.

The Gnar Ult Animation Cancel combines this technique with Gnar's ultimate, delivering a powerful move that can turn the tide of a match. A properly executed Gnar Ult Animation Cancel can mean the difference between winning or losing a game.

But how exactly does this technique work? First, players need to wait for Gnar to transform into his Mega form. Then, they use Gnar's R key to initiate his ultimate move. When the ultimate finishes, players are expected to activate Gnar's E key immediately, followed by taping the Q key.

The timing for this move is crucial, as it requires precision and timing. Practice is key, and over time, players will learn how to perform the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel effortlessly. By mastering this technique, players can save time and use the element of surprise against their opponents.

As mentioned earlier, Gnar Ult Animation cancel is not easy to master. However, the benefits of using this technique cannot be understated. By using the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel, players are able to cut down on animation time, allowing them to deliver their attacks faster and more efficiently.

This technique can also catch their opponents off guard, leading to unexpected kills or turning around a team fight. Additionally, the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel can be used to escape sticky situations and turn unfavorable situations into victories.

The bottom line is that the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel is an essential technique for League of Legends players who want to improve their gameplay. By using this technique, players will have a powerful tool in their arsenal, one that could make the difference between winning or losing in a critical game moment.

In conclusion, mastering the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel requires commitment and practice. However, the rewards are worth it. This technique can turn players into formidable opponents, capable of delivering efficient attacks with lightning-fast speed. If you want to take your League of Legends game to the next level, the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel is the technique to master!

Gnar Ult Animation Cancel: Mastering the Art of Crowd Control

When it comes to playing Gnar in League of Legends, one of the most important skills to master is his ultimate ability. Known as GNAR! this ultimate can potentially stun entire enemy teams and set up team fights for an easy victory. However, what most players don't know is that this ultimate can be animation cancelled to make its activation even faster and catch enemies off guard.

What is Animation Cancel?

Animation cancelling is a technique in League of Legends where you interrupt the animation of a champion's ability, effectively reducing the time it takes to activate. Instead of waiting for the entire animation to finish, you can cut it short to surprise your opponents and increase your chances of landing a successful play.

How to Animation Cancel Gnar's Ultimate?

To animation cancel Gnar's ultimate, simply use your Q ability (Boomerang Throw) while in the middle of casting the ultimate. This will instantly cancel the animation and make Gnar throw his boomerang immediately.

Why is it Important to Animation Cancel Gnar's Ultimate?

By animation cancelling Gnar's ultimate, you can catch enemies off guard and potentially land a stun before they have a chance to react. This can be especially useful in team fights, where the element of surprise can turn the tides of battle in your favor.

Other Situations Where Animation Cancel Can Be Useful?

Besides interrupting Gnar's ultimate animation with a Q ability, there are other situations where animation cancelling can be useful for Gnar. For example, you can cancel the animation of your W ability (Hyper) with an auto-attack to deal extra damage and quickly secure a kill.

Tips on How to Use Gnar's Ultimate More Effectively?

Apart from animation cancelling, there are other tips on how to use Gnar's ultimate more effectively. For example, try to predict enemy movements and aim the ultimate where they will be, rather than where they are. Also, it's a good idea to communicate with your team beforehand so they know when to follow up on your ultimate.

Things to Keep in Mind When Playing Gnar

While Gnar's ultimate can be a game changer when used correctly, it's important to keep in mind some limitations of the champion. For example, Gnar's ultimate has a relatively short range, so you need to be close to enemies to use it effectively. Also, Gnar can be vulnerable to CC abilities when he's in his mini form, so be careful when engaging with him.


In conclusion, animation cancelling Gnar's ultimate can make a big impact on your success with the champion. By mastering this technique, you can catch enemies off guard, increase your chances of landing a stun, and turn the tide of battle in your favor. However, it's also important to keep in mind Gnar's limitations and communicate effectively with your team to use his ultimate to its full potential.

Gnar Ult Animation Cancel: A Comprehensive Comparison


Champion abilities are always a key factor in winning games. They provide unique features that could potentially give a team the edge they need to claim victory. In this article, we will be focusing on the Gnar ult animation cancel and how it could affect game outcomes. We will be comparing the Gnar ult animation cancel with and without animation canceling.

About Gnar and His Ultimate

Gnar is a ranged top-lane champion in League of Legends. He is known for his transformation ultimate where he turns into Mega Gnar, an enrage beast that provides tremendous CC to control the battlefield. This ultimate ability could make or break a game. Gnar ult has two parts: the jump and the landing, each can potentially impact the enemy differently.

Gnar Ult Without Animation Canceling

Without animation canceling, the Gnar ult may be the same as the animation intended to be. This means that the Gnar goes through the whole animation sequence of jumping first and then landing after a short period. The entire sequence is long enough for enemies to react properly right before the impact of the ult. During this time, a well-coordinated enemy team may respond accordingly to avoid getting caught.

Gnar Ult With Animation Canceling

Animation canceling has become a staple technique among players that allows them to quickly follow up additional actions directly after specific abilities or attacks. Learning how to animation cancel can contribute greatly to strengthening your gameplay. In the case of Gnar ult animation canceling, it can make a significant difference in the ultimate's effectiveness.

The Technique of Gnar Ult Animation Canceling

Gnar ult animation cancel is executed by performing Q right after pressing R. Doing so cancels the animation sequence of Gnar's ultimate, making him land much quicker than usual. The outcome creates an immediate impact instead of waiting for the whole duration of the ult to complete. The quick succession gives opponents no time to react, making it more challenging to counter.

Table Comparison

To further illustrate the difference between Gnar ult with and without animation canceling, we have created a table comparison for you:
Gnar Ult Without Animation Canceling With Animation Canceling
Jump Time 0.8 seconds 0.5 seconds
Landing Time 0.5 seconds 0.15 seconds
Total Animation Time 1.3 seconds 0.65 seconds

Opinions on Gnar Ult Animation Cancel

Gnar ult animation canceling has become a popular technique among Gnar players. Some argue that animation canceling is a necessary skill for the champion, while others believe it's not something needed to win games. In our opinion, learning how to execute animation canceling will benefit a player greatly. Especially in higher ELOs or competitive gameplay, it can make a significant difference. It can separate average players from advanced players.

Other Animation Cancel Techniques

Animation canceling isn't only limited to Gnar ult. There are other champions and abilities that can be enhanced by learning how to animation cancel. The technique can be applied to combo sequences, such as Riven's fast Q or Yasuo's E-Q, to create smooth and more effective gameplay.


In conclusion, Gnar ult animation canceling is a technique that significantly increases the ultimate's effectiveness. It's a skill every Gnar player should learn to improve their gameplay. The difference between Gnar ult with and without animation canceling is visible and can impact game outcomes. However, it's essential to practice the technique firsthand to get a better handle on its execution.

Tips and Tutorial: Mastering Gnar’s Ult Animation Cancel in League of Legends

As a top laner in League of Legends, Gnar is one of the most versatile champions with a unique playstyle. One of his key abilities is his ultimate, GNAR!, that can stun numerous enemies for an extended period. However, with the right technique, you can use GNAR!’s animation cancel to surprise your foes and take full advantage of its power. In this article, we’ll explore tips and tutorials on how to master GNAR! Ult Animation Cancel and dominate the game.

Understanding GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel

Before diving into the techniques, it’s essential to understand what animation canceling means. In League of Legends, certain abilities have animations that can delay or limit your gameplay. Animation cancelling is a technique that lets you skip a part of the animation by issuing a move command or another ability quickly.GNAR!’s Ultimate ability has a long animation that takes time to execute, which makes Gnar vulnerable to enemy attacks or movement during that time. However, with animation canceling, you can significantly reduce the time of the animation and make the ultimate faster and more fluid.

How to Execute GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel

The technique to use GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancels requires precise timing and quick reflexes. Here are some steps you can follow to pull it off:1. Start by casting your Ultimate as usual by pressing R.2. At the same time, issue a movement command in any direction using Right-Click or attack an enemy through use of the Attack Move command.3. During the animation, quickly press Q to transform back into Mini Gnar.4. Recharge rage with auto attacks (AA) or spells, such as Boomerang Toss (Q) and Boulder Toss (W).5. Quickly transform back into Mega Gnar, you will skip the latter part of his animation, making the ultimate faster.It may take a few attempts to get the timing right, but with practice, it can become second nature. However, it’s crucial to note that while animation canceling can reduce the time of the ability, it will still have a cooldown, and you cannot use it again until the timer expires.

The Benefits of Animation Canceling GNAR!’s Ult

The benefits of properly executing GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel are significant, and it can give you an edge in-game. Here are some benefits:1. Faster execution: By skipping part of the animation, you can quickly surprise and stun enemies before they have time to react.2. Improved mobility: The animation cancel allows Gnar to move more fluidly, making him harder to target for opponents.3. Better positioning: Animation cancelling lets Gnar reposition himself while using the ultimate, making it easier to catch enemies by surprise.

Tips to Master GNAR!’s Animation Cancel

Now that you understand the basics of GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel let’s dive into some tips for mastering this technique.

Practice in Custom Games

The best way to master GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel is by practicing it in custom games. Take your time to refine your timing and learn how to pull it off consistently against bots.

Use Attack Move Command

The Attack Move command is essential when executing GNAR!’s Ult Animation Cancel. It’s easier than trying to Right-Click while casting Ultimate. Click A then click on the area you want to move or attack-move target, and your champion will walk towards that location or enemy, before any available targets within your range.

Timing is Essential

The timing of the Ultimate Animation Cancel is crucial, and every split-second counts. Be patient and wait for the right moment to execute it. Anticipate what your enemy will do next while aiming with ultimate or preparing to start Animation Cancel.

Keep an Eye on Your Rage Bar

GNAR! ultimate requires a certain amount of rage to cast, so keep an eye on your rage bar. It must have enough to pull off the technique to reduce the animation delay between the transformations.

Be Aware of Your Enemies’ Abilities

Animation canceling is an excellent technique, but it’s not foolproof. Be aware of your enemies’ abilities and positioning, particularly stuns or crowd control effects that can interrupt GNAR!’s Ult.


With its unique playstyle and abilities, Gnar is an exciting champion to play in League of Legends, and mastering his Ult Animation Cancel can make him even more potent in-game. By following the tips and tutorials we’ve laid out in this article, you can significantly improve your playstyle with Gnar and take full advantage of his Ultimate ability. Keep practicing and mastering this technique, and you’ll be dominating the top lane in no time.

Master the Gnar Ult Animation Cancel with These Tips

Gnar is one of the most versatile top laners in League of Legends. He has a great kit which allows him to poke, engage, and disengage with ease. However, his ultimate ability is what makes him truly unique. If used correctly, Gnar's ult can single-handedly win team fights, turning the tide of the game in your favor.

In this article, we will discuss Gnar's ult animation cancel, how it works, and why it's essential to master it if you want to take your gameplay to the next level.

What is Animation Cancel?

For those not familiar, animation cancel refers to the canceling of a champion's animation before it reaches its full duration. When done correctly, it can improve your champion's efficiency, speed, and overall performance.

In the case of Gnar's ult animation cancel, it means that you can cancel the transformation animation into Mega Gnar, giving you access to all your Mega Gnar abilities instantly. This gives you a significant advantage over your opponent, allowing you to dish out more damage and control the battlefield better.

How to Perform Gnar Ult Animation Cancel

To perform Gnar's ult animation cancel, you need to do the following:

  1. Press your R key (Gnar's ult).
  2. As soon as he starts transforming, press your E key (Gnar's jump).
  3. When he lands after the jump, press your Q or W or both for an instant combo.

It's vital to time your E jump correctly; otherwise, you won't be able to cancel the animation fully. Practice in the Practice Tool or Normal games with friends to get this right.

Why is Gnar Ult Animation Cancel Important?

Mastering Gnar's ult animation cancel is crucial for several reasons, primarily because it gives you instant access to your Mega Gnar form. This means you can land a full combo on your opponent without any delay, increasing your damage output exponentially.

It also allows you to control the battlefield better by using your ult more strategically. Instead of transforming when your opponents expect you to, you can use your E jump to bait them into coming closer, then ult for more damage and CC.

In team fights, Gnar's ult can be a game-changer, especially when combined with an animation cancel. You can catch multiple enemies in your ult, then quickly follow up with a W or Q to maximize your damage output.

Gnar Ult Animation Cancel Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you master Gnar's ult animation cancel:

  • Never use your ult without a plan. Always have a specific target in mind and know what abilities you'll use after landing.
  • Use your E jump to dodge incoming skill shots, then follow up with a quick combo to punish your opponent.
  • If you miss the timing on your E jump, you'll end up wasting your ult and not transforming into Mega Gnar. So practice until you get it 100% right.
  • When using Gnar's ult, always take into account your position relative to your enemies. You want to catch as many as possible without putting yourself in danger.
  • Try to use your ult when your rage bar is close to 100%. This way, you'll transform into Mega Gnar with more health and deal more damage.

Remember, animation canceling takes practice, so don't get discouraged if you don't get it right the first few times. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you'll be able to execute it flawlessly in-game.

Closing Message

Mastering Gnar's ult animation cancel is a skill that, once learned, will take your gameplay to the next level. It gives you an edge over your opponents, allowing you to dish out more damage and control the battlefield better.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you'll be able to perform Gnar's ult animation cancel flawlessly in every game.

So go forth, summoner, and show your enemies what you're made of!

People Also Ask About Gnar Ult Animation Cancel

What is animation canceling in League of Legends?

Animation canceling is the act of interrupting or shortening the animation of a champion's ability in order to increase their mobility or speed up their gameplay. It's commonly used by experienced players in League of Legends to get an advantage over their opponents and optimize their mechanics.

How do you cancel Gnar's ultimate animation?

Gnar's ultimate ability, GNAR!, can be animation canceled by utilizing his E ability, Hop. By casting Hop mid-ultimate, Gnar will be able to immediately perform his dash attack, allowing for a quicker engage or escape. Additionally, using Flash can also aid in cancelling the animation of GNAR! by instantly moving Gnar to his desired location.

What are some tips for animation canceling with Gnar's ult?

  1. Practice timing: To effectively cancel the animation of GNAR!, it's necessary to time the use of Hop or Flash perfectly. Spend some time in a practice game to get a feel for the timing and get consistent with the technique.
  2. Be aware of positioning: Since Gnar's ultimate pushes enemies back, it's important to position yourself in a way that ensures maximum effectiveness. Consider using your Hop or Flash to get behind the enemy team to scatter them more effectively.
  3. Coordinate with your team: Communication is key in any team-based game like League of Legends. If you plan on using Gnar's ultimate to initiate a fight, be sure to let your team know and coordinate your abilities for maximum effectiveness.