Master Unity Animation Exit Time: Tips and Tricks for Seamless Animations


How to Animate Like a Pro with Unity Animation Exit Time

Animation is an essential part of a game that can take it from bland to spectacular. If you are a game creator and want to increase the visual appeal of your game, learning Unity animation exit time could be the solution. Unity's animation exit time feature is a powerful tool that allows creators to execute animations flawlessly.

As a game developer, you might wonder if Unity Animation Exit Time is worth your time. The answer is a resounding yes. Unity Animation Exit Time saves creators time and effort by allowing them to create high-quality and interactive animations effortlessly.

If you're ready to improve your animation skills, Unity animation exit time is the solution. But what exactly is unity animation exit time?

What is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Unity Animation Exit Time is a feature in Unity that determines how long an animation should last before transitioning to the next animation. This tool allows you to configure animation transitions by specifying exit times, conditions, and other parameters, making the resulting transition smooth and natural.

When you're using Unity Animation Exit Time, there's no need to constantly program code for new animations. You can move from one animation to another effortlessly, with no glitchy transitions when properly synced up.

Why Use Unity Animation Exit Time?

Are you still wondering why Unity Animation Exit Time is essential to your game development? Here are some reasons to consider:

  • Easily create scene transitions.
  • Save time with pre-made animations instead of hand-coding new ones.
  • Increase the visual appeal of your game with high-quality animations.

How to Use Unity Animation Exit Time

If you're excited about using Unity Animation Exit Time in your game development project, follow these steps.

  1. First, open a new project in Unity.
  2. Then, create an animation to use in your project.
  3. Select the GameObject you want to animate in the scene view.
  4. Choose the Animation tab from the top menu.
  5. In the Animation window, you'll see a graph representing your animation.
  6. Right-click on the transition line between the two animations you want to use.
  7. Select Set Exit Time on the dropdown menu and enter the time for the exit.
  8. Adjust the other parameters of the transition to fit your preferences.

With these simple steps, you can now enjoy a seamless transition between animations, making your game more engaging and pleasing to your players.

Best Practices for Unity Animation Exit Time

To fully benefit from Unity Animation Exit Time, it's essential to learn some of the best practices, which includes:

  • Keep a backup of your project files and animations so as not to lose any progress.
  • Separate animation and logic. This will ensure that your code is easy to manage and upgrade in the future.
  • Test your animations repeatedly to ensure they work as expected.
  • Keep in mind that exit time solely deals with the duration of the animation, so ensure you have other scripts in place to detect the conditions that trigger the transitions.


In conclusion, Unity Animation Exit Time is an essential feature for developers creating games. It saves time, increases visual appeal, and creates seamless transitions between animations. With Unity Animation Exit Time, you can easily take your games to new heights.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with Unity Animation Exit Time today!


In Unity, animation plays an important role in creating an interactive and engaging game. With Unity Animation Exit Time, developers can control when their animations will end, giving a more realistic feel to character movements and actions.

What is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Unity Animation Exit Time is a feature that allows developers to define at which point an animation should exit, or transition to the next animation. It is commonly used to create smooth and realistic animations for characters in games.

How does it work?

When an animation is played, Unity calculates its progress from start to finish. The Exit Time parameter defines the moment when the animation should be cut off and the transition to another animation should begin. This ensures that the animations flow smoothly and look less robotic.

Why is Unity Animation Exit Time Important?

Animating a character can be a challenging task, especially when you want the movements to appear natural. Without the use of Exit Time, animations could look abrupt and out of sync. Unity Animation Exit Time can help ensure that your game character's movements look smooth, polished, and realistic.

Using Unity Animation Exit Time

Setting up Parameters

To use Unity Animation Exit Time, you first need to create parameters for it. Open the Animator window and click on the animation state that you want to set the Exit Time for. Next, click on the gear icon and select Parameters. Here, you can add or create a new parameter named Exit Time with the float data type.

Setting Up the Transition

After setting up the parameter, click on the transition arrow going to the next animation state. In the inspector window, select Exit Time as the condition parameter. You can then set a value between 0 and 1, representing the percentage of the animation that must be completed before transitioning to the next animation.

Examples of Unity Animation Exit Time in Action

Here are some examples of how Unity Animation Exit Time can be used:

Walking to an Idle stance

When a character is walking and arrives at their destination, the animation should change to the Idle stance from the walking stance. Using Unity Animation Exit Time, you can set up the walking animation to transition to Idle when it reaches, say, 98% completion.

Aiming and Shooting

In a shooting game, players should be able to switch between aiming and firing animations with ease. Exiting the aiming animation automatically and transitioning to the firing animation could make the animations appear more life-like.


Unity Animation Exit Time is an important tool for game development. It allows developers to create smoother, more polished animations that feel realistic, ensuring players can interact seamlessly with the game characters. Using Unity Animation Exit Time parameter, developers can control when their character animations will end, providing an incredibly engaging experience to gamers. By taking time to learn and understand this feature, game developers can take their games to the next level by making their visuals even better and creating seamless transitions between actions, making the gaming experience overall better.

Comparison of Unity Animation Exit Time


Unity Animation Exit Time is an essential feature in Unity as it allows developers to specify when an animation should stop playing. This feature helps to create smooth transitions between animations in a game. In this blog article, we will compare two ways to use exit time in Unity and provide a table comparison of their differences.

What is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Before we compare, it's important to understand what Unity Animation Exit Time is. Exit time is a parameter that determines when an animation should end. It aims to synchronize the transition time between animations by making sure that the transitions occur precisely when the animations reach a specific point.

Using Exit Time in the Animator Window

One way to set up unity Animation Exit Time is through the Animator window. You can select a transition from one animation to another and view its settings. From here, you can adjust the exit time in the Inspector window to match the desired timing. This method is straightforward and visual, making it easier for beginners to understand.

Below is an example of the settings you can adjust in the Animator window:

Setting Description
Has Exit Time If checked, the animation's exit time is used in the transition.
Exit Time The percentage of time it will take for the animation to reach the end before transitioning.
Transition Duration The time it takes for the transition to occur.

Using Exit Time in Code

Another way to use unity Animation Exit Time is programmatically. This method provides developers with greater flexibility and control but may be more challenging for beginners. Programmatic access to Exit Time can be beneficial when creating complex animation systems that require precise timing.

Here's an example of how to set up Exit Time in code:```Animator animator = GetComponent();animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 1);AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1);if (stateInfo.normalizedTime > exitTime) animator.SetBool(isRunning, false);```

Comparison Table

Method Pros Cons
Animator Window
  • Simple and visual.
  • Easy to learn for beginners.
  • Less flexible for complex systems.
  • May lack precision timing
  • Greater flexibility and control.
  • More precise timing options are available..
  • Challenging for beginners to learn.
  • Can be time-consuming to implement.


Ultimately, the choice between using the Animator window and programming Unity Animation Exit Time depends on the complexity of your project and your expertise. Both methods have their pros and cons, so it's up to you to decide which one will work best for your game development. For beginners, I would recommend using the Animator window first to get a better understanding of the feature. As you gain more experience, you can switch to code for more precise timing and greater control.

Unity Animation Exit Time: Tips and Tutorial


In Unity, animations can bring your game to life. They allow you to create realistic and engaging characters, creatures, and objects that react to the player's actions. However, creating effective animations in Unity requires some knowledge of animation principles and techniques. One such technique is using Unity Animation Exit Time.

What is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Unity Animation Exit Time is a property of an Animation State that controls when that state finishes playing and moves to the next one. Exit Time is calculated based on a normalized time value (0 to 1) that represents the progress of the animation. When the normalized time reaches the Exit Time value, the current animation state stops and transition to the next state begins.

Why Use Unity Animation Exit Time?

Using Unity Animation Exit Time is important for creating smooth and realistic transitions between animation states. It allows you to specify exactly when the current animation should stop playing and the next one should begin. This way, you can avoid sudden or abrupt changes in your character's movement and ensure that the animation looks natural and fluid.

How to Set Up Unity Animation Exit Time?

To set up Unity Animation Exit Time, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create Your Animations

First, you need to create the animations that you want to use in your game. You can use Unity's built-in animation tools or external animation software like Maya or Blender. Make sure that each animation has a clear start and end point, and that they are organized into separate Animation States in Unity's Animator Controller.

Step 2: Define Your Transition Conditions

Next, you need to define the conditions under which your animations will transition. You can do this by setting up transition rules in each Animation State. These rules define the conditions that must be met for the transition to occur, such as player input, time elapsed, or a specific animation event.

Step 3: Set the Exit Time Value

Once you have defined your transition conditions, you can set the Exit Time value for each Animation State. This value represents the normalized time at which the transition should occur. You can set it manually or using a curve in Unity's Animation Window. Make sure to test each transition to ensure that the Exit Time is correct and the animation looks smooth.

Step 4: Fine-Tune Your Animations

Finally, you can fine-tune your animations by adjusting the keyframes, easing curves, and overall timing. This will help you achieve more natural and responsive animations that fit your game's style and mechanics. You can also use Unity's Blend Trees or Mecanim features to create more complex animation behaviors, such as blending multiple animations based on parameter values.


Using Unity Animation Exit Time is a powerful technique for creating smooth and realistic animations in your games. By controlling when an animation finishes and transitions to the next one, you can avoid sudden or jarring movements that break the illusion of your game world. With practice and experimentation, you can master this technique and create stunning animations that captivate and engage your players.

Understanding Unity Animation Exit Time

Gone are the days when game development was an uphill task. Today, developers can create games much faster and efficiently with the help of game engines like Unity. Unity allows developers to create interactive 2D and 3D games for desktop, mobile, and AR/VR platforms. One of the most important features that makes Unity a popular choice for game developers is its animation system. Unity animation system allows developers to create detailed and complex animations in a matter of minutes. However, controlling these animations can be complex at times. This is where Unity Animation Exit Time comes into play.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Unity Animation Exit Time. We will explain the definition of Unity Animation Exit Time and how you can use it to control the animation flow in your game.

What Is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Unity Animation Exit Time is a parameter that defines the end of an animation clip or state. This parameter tells Unity when it can transition to the next animation clip or state. In other words, Unity Animation Exit Time is used to control the flow of animation in your game.

For example, imagine that you have a character that performs a punching animation. When the character finishes the punching animation, you want it to play a blocking animation. In this case, you can use Unity Animation Exit Time to specify when the punching animation ends, and when the blocking animation begins.

How To Use Unity Animation Exit Time?

To use Unity Animation Exit Time, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. In the Unity Editor, select the GameObject that contains the Animator component.
  2. Click on the Animator window to open it.
  3. Click on the State tab to view the animation states.
  4. Select the animation state that you want to modify.
  5. In the Inspector window, select the Exit Time parameter.
  6. Enter a value between 0 and 1 to specify when the animation clip should end.
  7. If the Exit Time parameter is set to 1, the animation clip will play until completion before transitioning to the next animation clip or state.
  8. If the Exit Time parameter is set to a value less than 1, the animation clip will play until that point before transitioning to the next animation clip or state.
  9. Save your changes.

Once you have set the Exit Time parameter, Unity will use it to determine when to transition to the next animation clip or state.

Example of Unity Animation Exit Time in Action

Let’s take an example to understand how Unity Animation Exit Time works:

Suppose you have a character that performs two animations - walking and running. You want the character to walk when it is moving slowly, and run when it is moving fast.

You can achieve this by creating two animation states - one for walking and another for running. Then, you can set the Unity Animation Exit Time parameter for both these states to control the flow of animation.

For example, you can set the Unity Animation Exit Time parameter for the walking animation to 0.5. This means that the walking animation will play until 50% and then transition to the running animation. This way, as the character moves faster, it will transition from walking to running smoothly.


Unity Animation Exit Time is a powerful feature that can help game developers create smooth and realistic animations. By using the Unity Animation Exit Time parameter, developers can control the flow of animation in their games and create complex animation sequences effortlessly. Although it may seem complex at first, once you get the hang of it, Unity Animation Exit Time is a feature that you will wonder how you ever did without.

We hope this article has helped you understand Unity Animation Exit Time better. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. Happy animating!

Closing Message

As we end this article, we hope that you now have a better understanding of Unity Animation Exit Time. With the help of this parameter, controlling the flow of animation in your game can be effortless. Whether you are creating 2D or 3D games, Unity's animation system, combined with the Unity Animation Exit Time feature, can help you create dynamic and engaging animations that add value to your game.

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any other topics you would like us to cover, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading, and happy game development!

People Also Ask about Unity Animation Exit Time

What is Unity Animation Exit Time?

Unity Animation Exit Time is the point at which a transition from one state to another in an animation should end. It is set as a normalized time and can be adjusted in the Animation Transition window in Unity.

How is Unity Animation Exit Time used?

Unity Animation Exit Time is used to determine the length of an animation transition. When the normalized time of the current animation passes the exit time of the current state, the transition to the next state begins.

Can I adjust the Unity Animation Exit Time?

Yes, you can adjust the Unity Animation Exit Time for each animation transition. You can use the slider in the Animation Transition window or enter a specific value in the Exit Time field.

What happens if the Unity Animation Exit Time is not set correctly?

If the Unity Animation Exit Time is not set correctly, the animation transition may occur too soon or too late. This can result in animations that look jerky or unfinished.

Is Unity Animation Exit Time important for game development?

Yes, Unity Animation Exit Time is important for game development as it helps create smooth and fluid transitions between states in an animation. It also helps improve the overall user experience by making the gameplay seem more polished and professional.