Optimizing Unity Animations: Mastering Wait For Animation To Finish


Wait For Animation To Finish Unity: An Ultimate Guide

Have you ever experienced sudden glitches and mismatched animation while playing games? Do you want to learn how to make a smooth animation transition without any hiccups? Well, all your questions are going to be answered in this ultimate guide about how to wait for animation to finish in Unity.

Why Waiting for Animation is Important?

Animation plays an essential role in gaming these days. It enhances the overall user experience by providing a visually appealing game environment. Unity provides an excellent platform to develop games and allows developers to create animations and transitions with its animation component.

However, most developers forget that waiting for the animation to finish before jumping to the next scene is crucial. Skipping a few frames or interrupting the animation might lead to a breaking of the flow of the game and can affect the gameplay and user engagement.

How to Wait for Animation to Finish in Unity?

Unity being such a versatile platform, offers different ways to keep track of animation updates and wait for their completion. Here's how you can do it:

Using Coroutines

Coroutines are a perfect solution to waiting for animation in unity. They are a type of function that allows developers to pause a running function and resume it when required. It is one of Unity's most popular and best-rated features.

Using Event System

The Unity event system is another feature that allows developers to wait for animation completion. By using AnimationEvent watchers, the developers can set specific events that trigger once the animation finishes.

Tips to Improve Your Animation in Unity

Animations play a massive role in developing a game. Here are some tips that can help you enhance your animation skills:

  • Use Unity's powerful animation editor to create unique and visually appealing animations that stand out.
  • Use keyframes to smoothen the transition between two animations.
  • Always test-run your animation to spot errors and glitches in the movement.
  • Remember to keep each of the animations brief and clipped. Long animations may result in screen scratches and long loading periods.

Benefits of Waiting for Animation Completion in Unity

There are several benefits to waiting for animation completion in unity:

  • It provides a more polished and enjoyable user experience while playing games.
  • Ensures that the animation flow runs smoothly without breaking the gaming flow.
  • Helps to avoid unexpected glitches.


Waiting for animation completion is an important factor to consider while developing games using Unity. Coroutines and event systems, when used properly, can enhance the overall user experience while providing a stable and glitch-free gaming environment. Always remember to follow the tips mentioned above and keep your animations short, crisp, and appealing.

The key to a great gameplay experience lies in the way the game looks, feels, and plays. By keeping your animation smooth and error-free, you can attract more users and offer them a memorable experience.

So, next time you are developing a game using Unity, don't forget to wait for the animation to complete and provide an enhanced user experience.


Animations are one of the most important parts of game design. They provide clarity, entertainment, and feedback to the player. However, if not used properly, animations can also be a source of confusion and frustration to the user. In this article, we will explore how to wait for an animation to finish in Unity.

What is Waiting for an Animation?

When designing a game, it’s common to have an animation trigger an event. For example, when an enemy dies, there may be a death animation that plays, followed by a delay before the object is destroyed. If the object is destroyed before the animation finishes, the player will see a strange effect that can break immersion and negatively impact the gameplay experience. Waiting for the animation to finish before triggering the next event can help ensure a seamless experience for the player.

The Timing of the Wait

In Unity, there are two ways to wait for an animation to finish. The first is to use an animation event. An animation event is a trigger that fires at a specific point during an animation. This can be used to trigger a function or change a variable when a specific point in the animation is reached. The second way to wait for an animation to finish is to use the WaitForSeconds function.

Using an Animation Event

To use an animation event, first, create a script with a function that will be triggered by the event. Next, go to the animation window and select the desired animation clip. Select the frame where you would like the event to be triggered and click on “Add Event”. In the event menu, select the function that you want to be called when the event is fired.

Using WaitForSeconds

The other method to wait for an animation to finish is to use the WaitForSeconds function. This allows the script to pause execution for a specific amount of time before moving on to the next line of code. This approach allows you to define a specific delay after the animation has finished.To use WaitForSeconds, add the following line of code to your script: yield return new WaitForSeconds(time). Where “time” is the length of the delay in seconds. Be aware that WaitForSeconds only works in IEnumerator functions.


Animations are an essential part of game design and can make or break a player’s experience. It is essential to ensure that animations are timed correctly, so they do not interrupt the game flow. Waiting for animations to finish is an essential tool that every game developer should learn in Unity. By using either an animation event or WaitForSeconds, developers can ensure a smooth and immersive game experience for players.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Waiting For Animation to Finish in Unity


Animation is an essential part of game development as it adds life to the characters and surroundings of the game. When it comes to Unity, developers have two options when animating their game objects: wait for animation to finish and interrupt animations. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we'll compare these two approaches, and help you decide which one suits your game's design and story.

Waiting for Animation to Finish

When you choose to wait for animation to finish, this means that no other animation or action can occur during this time. This approach is suitable for cutscenes, conversations, or idle animations where characters aren't doing anything else. By waiting for the animations to finish and not letting players interact, you keep the sequence organized and control the tempo of the story. One advantage of waiting for animation to finish is that it's easier to program. Since the animations play sequentially, they're in a predictable order. This makes it possible to have branching conversations and minimize bugs due to unexpected behavior.However, one disadvantage of this approach is that players may be left waiting too long. While an animation plays without interruption, the player can quickly get bored and lose interest. A cutscene that takes too long can also be frustrating if the player dies and must start it over from the beginning.

Interrupting Animations

Interrupting animations allows players to interact with the world while waiting for an animation to finish. In other words, you can cut the animation short if the player performs any action such as moving or attacking. This approach enhances gameplay by allowing the player more agency, but it also requires more programming and scripting work.One benefit of interrupting animations is that it gives players a sense of control and immersion, as they can see the consequences of their actions. For example, a conversation can pause in response to the player clicking on a specific object in the environment.However, one disadvantage of this approach is that it's more complicated and harder to program. As you need to take into account each possible outcome of the player's actions and provide code to handle all paths. This can lead to unexpected and buggy behavior if not thoroughly tested.

Comparison Table

| Approach | Advantages | Disadvantages || --- | --- | --- || Wait for Animation to Finish | Easier to Program, Predictable Order | Boring, Frustrating, Lack of Control || Interrupting Animations | Greater Immersion and Sense of Control | Complicated Programming, High Chance of Bugs |

Opinion and Conclusion

In my opinion, depending on the type of game and story, sometimes you want to wait for animations, while other times you don't want to. For instance, a 3D action game like God of War can use interrupting animation to allow players more control over the character's moves. However, something like a walking simulator or visual novel would benefit from waiting animations as it shares a coherent story.In conclusion, deciding whether to wait for animations to finish or interrupt them depends entirely on the game genre, story elements, and gameplay mechanics. While waiting for an animation is simpler and easier to program, it can also lead to a dull experience. On the other hand, interrupting animations make the game more complex but engaging for the player. In the end, it's your call which one to use that will make your game more engaging and meet your player's expectation. As always, testing, and proper quality assurance is essential in any development process to ensure that the animations work as intended without unexpected outcomes.

How to Wait For Animation To Finish Unity

Working on a game development project often requires the use of animations. Animations add movement and dynamism to the game and make it more engaging. However, managing animations correctly is crucial to ensure smooth gameplay.One common problem that game developers face while working with animations is waiting for animation to finish before proceeding to the next step. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of waiting for an animation to finish in Unity.

Step 1: Create an Animator Controller

Before we begin, we need to create an Animator Controller for the object that will be animated. Navigate to the Assets folder in the Project view and create a new folder called Animations if one does not already exist. Right-click on the Animations folder and select Create > Animator Controller.Name the controller file and attach it to the object that you want to animate. Open the Animation window by selecting Window > Animation > Animation. Drag and drop your animation clip into the Animation window.

Step 2: Add Animator Component to Object

Now that we've created an Animator Controller and an animation clip, we need to add an Animator component to the object. Select the object from the Hierarchy view and navigate to the Inspector view. Click on Add Component and select Animator from the dropdown menu.In the Animator component, select the Controller you created in Step 1. This attaches the animator controller to the object, and Unity can now access your animation clip.

Step 3: Create a Coroutine Function

We need to create a coroutine function to wait for the animation to finish before proceeding to the next step. A coroutine function is like a regular function, but it has control over when it executes. We'll use the WaitForSeconds function inside the coroutine.Here's an example of a coroutine function that waits for five seconds:```csharpIEnumerator WaitAndPrint() yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); Debug.Log(Five seconds have passed!);```This function waits for five seconds and then prints the message Five seconds have passed! to the console.

Step 4: Start Coroutine Function in Script

Now, we need to start the coroutine function. In your script, create an instance of the animator component. Then, play the animation clip using the Play() function. Finally, start the coroutine function to wait for the animation to finish:```csharpprivate Animator anim;void Start() anim = GetComponent();void Update() if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { anim.Play(AnimationName); StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation()); }IEnumerator WaitForAnimation() yield return new WaitForSeconds(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length); // Code to execute after animation is finished.```In this example, we play the animation clip with the animation name AnimationName and then start the coroutine function called WaitForAnimation().

Step 5: Use GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo()

The WaitForSeconds function only waits for a set amount of time. To wait for an animation to finish, we need to use GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(). This function returns information about the current state of the Animator Controller.In the example above, we wait for the length of the animation by using GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo().length. This ensures that the coroutine function waits until the animation has finished playing before executing any code.

Step 6: Add Debugging Code

It's always helpful to have debugging code in place to make sure everything is working as expected. In the example above, we added some debug code inside the WaitForAnimation() function that prints a message to the console after the animation has finished playing.```csharpIEnumerator WaitForAnimation() float animationLength = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length; Debug.Log(Waiting for animation to finish...); yield return new WaitForSeconds(animationLength); Debug.Log(Animation has finished!); // Any additional code you want to execute after the animation has finished.```

Step 7: Use StartCoroutine()

The Coroutine function cannot be called like a regular function. Instead, we use StartCoroutine() to start the function and wait for it to finish:```csharpStartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation());```This line of code starts the coroutine function and waits for it to finish before continuing with the rest of the script.

Step 8: Implement a Flag System

To manage multiple animations and wait for them to finish, we can use a flag system. This requires that we keep track of which animations are currently playing.```csharpprivate bool isAnimationPlaying = false;void Update() if (!isAnimationPlaying && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { StartCoroutine(PlayAndStopAnimation()); isAnimationPlaying = true; }IEnumerator PlayAndStopAnimation() anim.Play(AnimationName); yield return new WaitForSeconds(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length); anim.StopPlayback(); isAnimationPlaying = false;```In this example, we use the isAnimationPlaying flag to ensure that we only initiate the animation if no other animations are currently playing. Then, we start the PlayAndStopAnimation() coroutine function, which plays the animation, waits for it to finish, stops the animation, and sets the flag to false again.

Step 9: Use Animation Events

Animation events are special events that can be triggered during an animation. By using these events, we can call specific functions after an animation has finished.To use animation events, create a function in the script that will be triggered by the event. Then, in the Animator window, select the animation clip and click on Add Event. Select the function you want to trigger from the dropdown menu.

Step 10: Conclusion

Waiting for animations to finish is an essential part of game development. Using Unity's built-in coroutine system, GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(), and flag systems can help you manage your animations so that you can create dynamic and engaging games. Thank you for reading this tutorial on how to wait for animation to finish in Unity.

Wait For Animation to Finish Unity

Animations add life and dynamism to our games, so they are an essential part of game development. Animations can be used to create character movements, visual effects, and cutscenes. However, sometimes our scripts need to wait for animations to finish before proceeding to the next course of action.

In Unity, waiting for animations to finish can be achieved through various methods, such as invoking a method after an animation is completed, using event triggers, or utilizing coroutines. These methods can be used in different scenarios to achieve the desired behavior; hence, let's explore them one by one.

The first method involves using the Invoke() method to call a function after a specified time has elapsed. In this case, we can use the length property of an animation to specify the time to be waited for before invoking a method. This approach is effective when dealing with short animations and functions that do not require complex calculations. Consider the following code snippet:

```void Start() Animation anim = GetComponent(); float delay = anim.clip.length; Invoke(AfterAnimation, delay);void AfterAnimation() Debug.Log(Animation Ended);```

The second method uses Event Triggers to execute code after an animation is completed. Event Triggers listen for events during runtime and trigger associated functions. Therefore, we can create an event trigger and attach it to our animation to listen for the animation end event. Here is how we can implement it:

```public class Example : MonoBehaviour private Animator animator; void Start() { animator = GetComponent(); //add the event on animation clip AnimationClip clip = animator.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips[0]; AnimationEvent evt = new AnimationEvent(); evt.functionName = AfterAnimation; evt.time = clip.length; clip.AddEvent(evt); } void AfterAnimation() { Debug.Log(Animation Ended); }```

The third method uses coroutines to wait for animations to finish before executing the next course of action. In this case, we can use the WaitForSeconds() function to wait for a specified time before proceeding to the following execution. Coroutines are effective when dealing with lengthy animations that require complex calculations. Consider the following code snippet:

```public class Example : MonoBehaviour public Animator anim; void Start() { StartCoroutine(WaitForAnimation(anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length)); } IEnumerator WaitForAnimation(float time) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); Debug.Log(Animation Ended); }```

WaitForSecondsRealtime() can also be used in place of WaitForSeconds() when dealing with real-time based games.

To ensure optimum performance, it is paramount to use the most efficient method depending on the scenario at hand. Therefore, in situations where multiple animations require monitoring, and timed events are complex, Event Triggers or coroutines should be preferred over Invoke() due to its efficiency in performance and readability of code.

Coroutines enable writing concise and readable code while achieving complex functionality in Unity. Besides waiting for animations, they can also be used for multiple tasks such as delaying effects, implementing multiplayer capabilities, and generating random numbers.

In conclusion, waiting for Unity animations to finish can be achieved using various methods, including Invoking a method after an animation is completed, using Event Triggers, and utilizing Coroutines. The choice of method depends on the complexities of the task and the desired behavior of the script. Therefore, developers should choose the most suitable method to achieve optimal performance.

Thank you for reading. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in helping you develop games with optimal performance.

People Also Ask About Wait For Animation To Finish Unity

What is Wait For Animation To Finish in Unity?

Wait For Animation To Finish in Unity is a technique used to pause the execution of a script until an animation has finished playing. This can be useful for synchronizing other game mechanics or actions with the completion of an animation.

How can I wait for animation to finish before executing code in Unity?

There are multiple ways to accomplish this in Unity, but one common method is to use a coroutine. Here's an example of how to wait for an animation to finish using a coroutine:

1. Define a coroutine function and use the 'yield' keyword to wait for the animation to complete:```IEnumerator WaitUntilAnimationFinished (Animator anim) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame (); while (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).normalizedTime < 1) { yield return null; // Wait until animation finishes }```2. Attach the coroutine to a script on the same object as the Animator component you want to wait for:```public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour public Animator anim; void Start () { StartCoroutine (WaitUntilAnimationFinished (anim)); }```

Is it possible to interrupt or cancel the animation waiting process in Unity?

Yes, it is possible to interrupt or cancel the animation waiting process by using a coroutine and calling the coroutine function again with a different set of parameters.

Here's an example of how you can interrupt the animation waiting process:

```public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour public Animator anim; private Coroutine waitCoroutine; void Start () { waitCoroutine = StartCoroutine (WaitUntilAnimationFinished (anim)); } void SomeMethod () { StopCoroutine (waitCoroutine); // Interrupt the animation waiting process waitCoroutine = StartCoroutine (WaitUntilAnimationFinished (anim)); // Start the process again with a new set of parameters }```