Unleash Your Inner Persona! Watch Episode 26 of Persona 5 Animation Now


Persona 5 has finally come to an end with the release of its 26th and final episode. The anime adaptation of the popular RPG game has won the hearts of many fans with its unique storyline and visually stunning animation. But, how does the last episode fare in comparison to its predecessors?

If you haven't watched it yet, let me give you a little taste of what's in store for you. The episode starts off with a bang as the Phantom Thieves confront the main antagonist, Yaldabaoth. The fight scenes are intense and well-animated, reflecting the game's mechanics beautifully.

But that's not all that Episode 26 has to offer. The show also ties up loose ends and provides closure for the characters' story arcs. We see the Phantom Thieves saying their goodbyes and looking forward to their future while reminiscing about their past adventures.

One of the most impressive aspects of Persona 5 Animation is its attention to detail. Episode 26 is no exception. The small nuances make a huge difference, such as the way the characters move or speak. It's evident that the animators took great care when animating every frame of the episode.

Another interesting aspect of the episode is its soundtrack. The series has always been known for its catchy and upbeat music, and the final episode is no different. The score perfectly captures the emotional weight of the characters' situations.

Overall, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is a fitting end to the beloved series. It delivers on everything that fans could have hoped for, from breathtaking fight scenes to emotional character moments. Don't miss out on this grand finale!

If you're a fan of Persona 5, this episode is a must-watch. But, even if you're not familiar with the series, it's still worth checking out. The animation, music, and story are enough to capture anyone's attention.

So what are you waiting for? Grab some popcorn, sit back, and indulge in the final chapter of this epic adventure. You won't regret it!

In conclusion, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is a touching and satisfying end to an already impressive series. The anime adaptation has done the game justice by staying true to its roots while bringing something new to the table. So take my word for it and give this episode a chance. You won't be disappointed.

Persona 5 Animation Episode 26

After 26 episodes, the Persona 5 animation has come to an end, but not before delivering a satisfying finale that wraps up the story of Joker and his cohorts. Let's break down what went down in the final episode of Persona 5 animation.

The Beginning: Recap

The episode starts with a recap of the events that have happened throughout the series. It's a good way to jog our memories of the key moments that have happened so far. We're reminded of the Phantom Thieves, their mission, and their struggles.

The Showdown

As we learned in the previous episode, Akechi is alive and working with Shido. He plans to use Joker as a bait to draw out the rest of the Phantom Thieves and destroy them. In the final episode, the showdown between Akechi, Shido, and the Phantom Thieves reaches its climax.

There's a great deal of action and suspense as the group tries to overcome incredible odds and defeat Shido. It's intense, exciting, and a fitting end to this epic adventure.

The Aftermath

After the dust settles, we get to see how the characters have grown and changed throughout the course of the series. It's a nice touch and reinforces the idea that their experiences have left a lasting impact on their lives.

We also get some moments of levity and humor, which is refreshing after the intense action scenes. The characters are allowed to relax and enjoy each other's company.

The Lesson

One of the themes of the series is the idea that people can change the world if they work together. It's a powerful message, and the final episode reinforces this idea. The Phantom Thieves may have had different backgrounds and motivations, but they all shared a desire to make the world a better place.

We see how their mission has touched the lives of those around them and inspired others to take action in their own ways. It's a hopeful and inspiring message that's sure to resonate with audiences.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Persona 5 animation episode 26 delivers a satisfying conclusion to a great series. The animation is top-notch, the characters are memorable, and the story is engaging. It's a must-watch for fans of the game, and it's also a great introduction for those who are new to the franchise.

If you haven't watched Persona 5 animation, then now's the perfect time to check it out. It's an epic adventure that's sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it.

Comparison Blog Article: Persona 5 Animation Episode 26


Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 marks the conclusion of the anime adaptation of the critically-acclaimed Persona 5 video game. The series has been a fan-favorite since its release, garnering praise for its stunning animation, engaging storyline, and unforgettable characters. In this article, we will be comparing the final episode of the Persona 5 Animation to the original game, analyzing how the anime adaptation presented the finale, and discussing whether or not it lived up to fans' expectations.

The Endgame

The final episode of Persona 5 Animation covers the climactic battle between the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and the god-like being Yaldabaoth. In the game, players have to go through several intense battles before facing off against Yaldabaoth, who is the final boss of the game. However, the anime adaptation takes a different approach and condenses the final battles into one, action-packed episode.

The Battle

The battle against Yaldabaoth in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is a visual spectacle, with incredible animation and epic fight scenes that are sure to leave fans on the edge of their seats. The fight is executed flawlessly, with the Phantom Thieves working together to defeat the seemingly invincible god. The animation team clearly put a lot of effort into bringing this epic battle to life, and the result is truly impressive.

The Aftermath

The aftermath of the battle is also handled well in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26. The anime adaptation stays true to the game's storyline, showing the consequences of the Phantom Thieves' actions and tying up loose ends in a satisfying manner.

Character Development

One of the aspects that made Persona 5 such a beloved game was the extensive character development that players could witness throughout the story. The anime adaptation does an excellent job of capturing this aspect, bringing each character to life in a captivating way.


Joker, the protagonist of Persona 5, is the focus of the final episode, and his growth as a character is displayed brilliantly. Fans will be pleased to see how the Joker they've grown to love throughout the series has matured and become a true leader.

The Phantom Thieves

The rest of the Phantom Thieves also receive ample attention in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26, with each character getting their moment to shine. From Ann's resolve to Ryuji's bravery, fans will be pleased to see their favorite characters' journeys come to a satisfying conclusion.

Comparison Table

To better illustrate the differences between Persona 5 the game and Persona 5 Animation, the following table will summarize the main points of comparison:
Persona 5 Persona 5 Animation
Multiple fights before final battle Condensed final battle
Data-heavy gameplay No need for gameplay, focuses on storyline
More freedom for player choices Strictly follows established storyline

Overall Opinion

All in all, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 delivers an epic conclusion to an already phenomenal series. Fans of the game will appreciate the care and detail put into the adaptation, making it a must-watch for anyone invested in the story of the Phantom Thieves. While there are some aspects that Director Masashi Ishihama elected to tweak, notably Yaldabaoth being presented as an early-game boss rather than the final one, the anime adaptation remains true to the heart of the game. Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is a fitting end to a series that has captured the hearts and imaginations of fans worldwide.

Persona 5 Animation Episode 26: A Recap and Analysis


Persona 5, the highly acclaimed RPG game created by Atlus, has been adapted into a TV anime series that has been airing since April 2018. The final episode of Persona 5 Animation aired on September 30, 2018, and fans were keen to find out how the studio would conclude the series. In this blog post, we will take a look at the final episode of Persona 5 Animation and give our analysis and insights.


The final episode of Persona 5 Animation begins where the previous episode left off: with Joker and the Phantom Thieves fighting their final battle against Yaldabaoth, the God of Control. The stakes are incredibly high since Yaldabaoth is willing to destroy everything and create a new world in his image. The Phantom Thieves are determined to stop him and protect their friends and the world.The episode is action-packed and visually stunning, with intense fight scenes and incredible animations. The music, composed by Shoji Meguro, enhances the immersive experience and keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.The story reaches its climax when Joker sacrifices himself to defeat Yaldabaoth. Fans of the game will recognize this scene as it follows the same storyline as the game's true ending. However, the anime adds more depth to the story by depicting the emotional impact of Joker's sacrifice on his friends and the world.


One of the strengths of Persona 5 Animation is its ability to convey the themes and messages of the game effectively. The final episode is no exception, as it tackles the theme of individuality and freedom in a powerful way. The Phantom Thieves fight against Yaldabaoth, who represents a force that wants to take away people's freedom and individuality. The message is clear: people should be free to make their own choices and live their lives as they see fit.Additionally, the final episode reinforces the importance of friendship and camaraderie. Joker's sacrifice is not only an act of heroism, but it also shows the strength of the bond between the Phantom Thieves. They stand by each other's side, even in the most difficult and dangerous situations.Finally, the final episode of Persona 5 Animation does justice to the game's true ending. The anime adaptation is faithful to the source material, and the emotional impact of the story is just as strong as in the game. Fans who have played Persona 5 will appreciate the attention to detail and the care taken by the studio to create a satisfying conclusion to the series.


In conclusion, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is a fitting conclusion to the TV anime series. It delivers intense action, stunning visuals, powerful music, and a poignant storyline that effectively conveys the themes and messages of the game. The anime adaptation is faithful to the source material while adding more depth to the story, making it a must-see for fans of the game. If you haven't watched the series yet, we highly recommend it.

The Final Episode of Persona 5 Animation: A Bittersweet Farewell

Welcome to my blog! Today, I want to talk about the final episode of Persona 5 Animation Episode 26. After months of anticipation, this beloved series has finally come to an end, leaving fans feeling both bittersweet and satisfied with how it all turned out. This show has been a true masterpiece in every sense of the word, so let's dive deeper into its conclusion and what it meant for the overall narrative.

Firstly, let's briefly discuss what happened in the final episode. For those who haven't seen it yet, be warned that spoilers will follow! The episode begins with the Phantom Thieves gearing up for their last heist, where they must infiltrate the depths of Mementos and face off against the monstrous Holy Grail. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, our heroes give it their all and emerge victorious, but not without experiencing some heart-wrenching losses along the way.

One of the most significant moments in this episode is the reveal of the traitor in the group, who turns out to be none other than Akechi. It's a shocking twist that adds an extra layer of complexity to the already-complicated storyline, and it's a testament to Persona 5's excellent writing that they were able to pull it off so seamlessly.

As for the ending itself, many fans may have noticed that it deviates from the game's own conclusion. While some may be disappointed by this fact, I personally felt that it worked well within the context of the anime. It's a more definitive and conclusive ending, one that ties up all of the loose ends while also leaving room for interpretation and speculation.

But beyond the plot and its resolution, it's the characters themselves that truly made Persona 5 Animation such a joy to watch. Every member of the Phantom Thieves felt like a fully-realized individual, with their own unique personalities, struggles, and motivations. Seeing them grow and develop over time was a delight, and it's why saying goodbye to them now is so difficult.

When it comes down to it, Persona 5 Animation was one of those rare shows that manages to strike a perfect balance between style, substance, and heart. The animation was gorgeous, the soundtrack was incredible, and the story was both thrilling and emotionally resonant. It's a series that I will remember for years to come, and one that I will no doubt revisit in the future.

So, to all of you who have been following this blog and watching Persona 5 Animation alongside me, thank you. Thank you for sharing in the excitement, the humor, and the heartache of this amazing show. Although it's sad to see it go, I truly believe that its legacy will continue to endure for a long time to come.

In conclusion, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 was a fitting end to an incredible series. It was beautiful, poignant, and left us feeling uplifted despite the moments of tragedy and loss. I'm grateful for the memories it has given me, and I hope that all of you feel the same way too. Until next time, goodbye, and here's to the Phantom Thieves!

People Also Ask about Persona 5 Animation Episode 26

What is the title of Persona 5 Animation Episode 26?

The title of Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is I Won't Let It End Here.

Is Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 the final episode?

Yes, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is the final episode of the series.

When was Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 released?

Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 was released on September 29, 2018.

What happens in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26?

In Persona 5 Animation Episode 26, the Phantom Thieves face their toughest challenge yet as they attempt to take down the final boss. Meanwhile, Akechi and Shido's plans are revealed, and the fate of Tokyo hangs in the balance.

Is there a post-credits scene in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26?

Yes, there is a post-credits scene in Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 that teases the possibility of a Persona 5 Royal anime adaptation.

Where can I watch Persona 5 Animation Episode 26?

Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 can be watched on streaming services like Hulu and Crunchyroll.

Overall, Persona 5 Animation Episode 26 is an exciting and emotional conclusion to the series that leaves fans wanting more. The post-credits scene hints at the possibility of a new anime adaptation based on the Persona 5 Royal edition, which will surely please fans who are hungry for more Persona 5 content.