Unleashing the Epicness: Exploring the Stunning RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation


RWBY has been a fan favorite since its first season debut in 2013. One of the reasons why fans keep coming back for more is the show's opening animation. It has been a staple for each volume, and in Volume 3, it did not disappoint.

Are you excited to know what makes RWBY Volume 3 opening animation stand out from the rest? This article will give you all the juicy details you need to know.

The opening animation of RWBY Volume 3 marks a significant change in the show's tone. The previous seasons' openings had a fun, adventurous vibe, while this one is much darker. The opening starts with a funeral procession, setting the season's mood.

Did you know that the production team spent over 300 hours on the animation for the opening alone? That is how committed they were to making it perfect, and it shows in its final form.

The new opening features several new characters, each with unique designs. Some are intriguing, while others add a hint of mystery. Additionally, it highlights the season's main villains: Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald.

The opening animation's song, When It Falls, is an excellent fit for the theme of the season. The lyrics are about how power corrupts people and how they fall from grace as a result. The song adds depth to the opening's visuals and gets you pumped up for the episode.

There are tons of Easter eggs in the opening animation for eagle-eyed fans to pick up on. For example, we see a book with the title The World of Remnant referenced multiple times. The opening also hints at a significant fight sequence later in the season.

Transitioning from the slow beginning to the upbeat chorus, we see Ruby jumping into action, showcasing her new outfit and weapons. The fight scenes are beautifully animated and choreographed, showcasing each character's fighting style.

The animation also highlights each character's emblem, which is creative and adds a fantastical element to the opening. It's fascinating to see how each emblem ties into each character's fighting style and personality.

Given how dark this season is, the opening ends on a hopeful note, with the main characters standing together ready to face whatever comes their way. It's a testament to the show's never-give-up attitude.

To sum it up, RWBY Volume 3 opening animation is a fantastic addition to the show's already impressive arsenal. It's beautifully animated, perfectly scored, and expertly choreographed. The production team outdid themselves, creating an opening that perfectly matches the season's tone.

If you haven't watched RWBY Volume 3 yet, make sure to give it a watch. And if you have seen it, watch it again and appreciate all the effort that went into the opening animation.

RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation

The opening animation of RWBY Volume 3 is one of the most iconic in the series, featuring the main characters of the show as they battle against a new enemy. The song used for the opening is titled When It Falls, and it perfectly captures the darker tone of this season.


The opening animation begins with Ruby Rose standing on top of a building, overlooking the skyline of the city. She is wearing her trademark red cloak and wielding her weapon, Crescent Rose. As the camera zooms in on her, we can see the determination in her eyes.

The Battle Begins

Suddenly, the screen becomes an explosion of colors and lights as the other characters in the show join the fight. Weiss Schnee appears, summoning her knight to aid in the battle. Yang Xiao Long charges forward, unleashing her shotgun-gauntlets. Blake Belladonna appears, using her blade to cut through the enemies.

The Villains Revealed

As the scene continues, the audience is shown the new villainous characters that the team must face. Cinder Fall appears, revealing her plans for destruction. Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai also make appearances, displaying their powers and loyalty to Cinder. The audience is also introduced to the Grimm, the creatures that inhabit this world and seek to destroy humanity.

Action-Packed Scenes

Throughout the animation, the audience is treated to several action-packed scenes, such as Yang catching a car thrown at her and launching it back at her enemies, Weiss fighting off multiple foes with her sword, and Blake leaping through the air to strike at her opponents. The animation is fluid and fast-paced, capturing the intense action that is inherent in the show.

The Fall of Beacon

The final scenes of the animation highlight the central event of the season: the Fall of Beacon. The audience sees the destruction of the city, the death of important characters, and the chaos that ensues as the villains take over. The animation sets the tone for the rest of the season, showing the devastation that the characters must face and the challenges they must overcome to save their world.


In conclusion, the opening animation for RWBY Volume 3 is a perfect example of how important visual storytelling is in a series. The animation captures the emotions of the characters, the intensity of the action, and the dark tone of the season. It sets the stage for the story that follows and leaves the audience excited to see what will happen next. It's no wonder that this animation has become such an iconic part of the RWBY fandom.

Comparison Between RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation

RWBY is an animated web series created by the late Monty Oum. The series has gained a significant following due to its stunning animation, unique storyline, and catchy music. Volume 3 of RWBY had a significant impact on fans due to its intense storyline, emotional moments, and the incredible opening animation. In this article, we will compare the RWBY Volume 3 opening animation to its predecessors.


Before diving into the comparison, it is essential to discuss the background of the RWBY opening animation. The RWBY opening serves to introduce the cast of characters, set up the plot for the current volume, and showcase the latest animation techniques and styles. Therefore, each opening animation differs from the last, providing a unique viewing experience.


One of the most crucial aspects of the RWBY opening animation is the music. RWBY's music is created by the artist Jeff Williams and his daughter Casey Lee Williams. Each volume features a new theme song that showcases the latest animation and story elements.

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation's song is called When It Falls. The song has a darker tone than previous openings, emphasizing the high stakes of the volume's plot and the danger facing the characters. The song's lyrics reflect the themes of the volume, with lines like Divide, they try to break us, but they'll never take us down representing the character's resilience against adversity.

Character Introductions

Another critical element of the RWBY opening animation is the introduction of new characters. RWBY's cast of characters is vast, with each member possessing unique abilities and fighting styles.

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation features character introductions for the series' latest villains, including Cinder Fall and her associates. Through the animation's character designs and fight scenes, viewers learn these villains are capable of immense power and pose a significant threat to the protagonists.

Action Scenes

RWBY is known for its impressive fight scenes, which showcase each character's abilities and create exciting viewing experiences. The opening animation frequently features action scenes that highlight the characters' movesets and the latest animation techniques.

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation features several high-energy fight scenes, including Ruby Rose slicing through an army of Grimm with her scythe and Yang Xiao Long using her Semblance to take on multiple opponents at once. These scenes provide a glimpse into the intensity of the upcoming volume and hyped viewers for the action to come.


The RWBY opening animation has always pushed the boundaries of animation and visual effects. Each volume features new and innovative animation techniques that showcase the characters and their environments.

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation features breathtaking visuals that show the characters in a more realistic style than previous openings. The opening showcases detailed character models and intricate fight choreography that leaves viewers in awe. The animation's use of lighting and shadows adds depth to the scenes and intensifies the action.

Story Implications

Finally, the RWBY opening animation provides key story implications for the volume. The opening foreshadows events to come and hints at overarching themes that will be explored in the episodes.

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation sets up the volume's plot by introducing the villains and showing their plans to incite chaos in the world. The animation also hints at the emotional moments to come, with scenes of Yang looking distressed and Ruby fighting through difficult situations. The volume's primary theme, the importance of teamwork and trust, is also foreshadowed in the opening through scenes of the heroes working together to fight their enemies.


In conclusion, the RWBY Volume 3 opening animation is a visually stunning and emotionally charged piece of animation that represents the series' progression over time. Through music, character introductions, action scenes, visuals, and story implications, the opening sets up the volume's plot and changes the show's direction for the better. The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation is undoubtedly one of the series' best openings and succeeds at getting viewers excited for the episodes to come.

Tips and Tricks to Appreciate RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation

RWBY is a popular anime-style web series created by American production company Rooster Teeth. Its third volume had an opening animation that blew fans away. The combination of the catchy song, intense fights, and stunning visuals made it a masterpiece. Here are some tips and tricks to help you appreciate the RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation.

1. Pay Close Attention to the Lyrics

The opening song, When It Falls, is a work of genius. It has a powerful melody that complements the action on screen while delivering a subtle message. The lyrics talk about the fall of an empire, and how the different characters react to the impending doom. As you watch the animation, pay close attention to the words and see how they tie into the story.

2. Focus on the Fights

RWBY is known for its incredible fight scenes, and the opening animation is no different. The fights are fast-paced, dynamic, and full of surprises. Watch each battle carefully and see how the characters move, use their weapons, and interact with each other. The animation team put a lot of effort into making these sequences look cool, and it's worth taking the time to appreciate them.

3. Look at the Designs

The characters in RWBY are known for their unique designs, and the opening animation takes it up a notch. Look at each character's outfit, weapon, and color scheme. The animators did an excellent job of bringing the characters to life and giving them distinct personalities.

4. Notice the Details

The opening animation is full of small details that add to the overall experience. Keep an eye out for things like dust particles, character expressions, and background elements. These details make the animation feel more immersive and will help you appreciate the effort put into making it.

5. Follow the Story

The opening animation is not just a montage of cool scenes. It tells a story that ties into the rest of the volume. Watch it from start to finish and see how each sequence fits together. You'll notice that the different characters play specific roles and end up in particular places. Understanding the story will make watching the volume itself more rewarding.

6. Listen to the Sound Effects

The sound design in RWBY is often overlooked, but it's excellent. Pay attention to the sound effects during fights, explosions, and other action sequences. The animators put a lot of effort into ensuring that the sounds matched the visuals, and it makes a huge difference.

7. Appreciate the Animation Quality

If you're an animator or artist, you'll appreciate the quality of the animation in the opening. The movements are fluid, and the characters' expressions are well done. Even if you're not familiar with animation, take a moment to appreciate the hard work that went into creating these scenes.

8. See the Foreshadowing

As you watch the opening, you might notice some hints about what's to come in the volume. Pay attention to the characters' expressions and the events that happen. You might pick up on some subtle foreshadowing that will make sense later on.

9. Take Your Time

The opening animation is only about a minute long, but there is a lot to take in. Don't rush through it, take your time, and watch it multiple times if necessary. The more you watch it, the more you'll appreciate the different elements and how they fit together.

10. Enjoy It!

Finally, don't forget to enjoy the opening animation. It's a beautiful piece of work that sets the tone for the volume and gets you excited for what's to come. Sit back, turn up the volume, and let yourself get lost in the world of RWBY.


The RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation is a masterpiece that deserves appreciation. By paying attention to the lyrics, fights, designs, details, story, sound effects, animation quality, foreshadowing, and taking your time, you can fully enjoy this amazing work. So sit back, relax, and let RWBY take you on an incredible journey.

RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation: An Analysis

If you're a fan of the anime-inspired American web series RWBY, you'll know that one of the most anticipated parts of a new volume is the opening animation. Volume 3's opening is no exception - a stunning visual montage set to the song When It Falls that promises an action-packed season.

Let's break down the RWBY Volume 3 opening and analyze the symbolism, imagery, and hints it provides about the upcoming storyline.

The opening begins with a sweeping shot of Beacon Academy, the setting of most of the series. The camera zooms in on a statue of the late Monty Oum, the creator of RWBY, who tragically passed away before Volume 3 was released. This shot sets the tone for the entire volume, which was dedicated to Oum's memory.

Next, we see Ruby Rose, the titular character of the series, running through the halls of Beacon. She jumps into the air, and we get our first glimpse of the new outfits all of Team RWBY will be sporting this season. This is significant because it shows that our main characters have grown and changed since we last saw them, both physically and emotionally.

The next shot shows Weiss Schnee, one of Ruby's teammates, summoning her glyph, a type of magical symbol that allows her to manipulate the environment. This shot symbolizes both Weiss's immense power and her internal struggle to find her place in the world.

A similar shot follows of Blake Belladonna, another member of Team RWBY, using her shadow powers to create duplicates of herself. This symbolizes Blake's ability to escape danger and her fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable.

The final member of Team RWBY, Yang Xiao Long, gets her own shot next. We see her charging into battle, her arm glowing with a fiery energy. This shot hints at the mechanical arm Yang receives later in the season after a devastating injury.

As the music picks up and the chorus of When It Falls begins, we see more action-packed shots. Ruby fights off Grimm, the monsters that threaten humanity in RWBY's world, while Weiss confronts an unknown foe and Blake fends off a swarm of insects. Yang takes on a group of humanoid robots, one of the volume's major antagonists.

One of the most striking shots of the opening is when the camera circles around Ruby as she takes on a group of enemies. The camera then pans up to show a massive Grimm looming over the city. This shot is significant because it shows that even with all of our heroes' strength and power, they are still woefully outmatched by the forces they are up against.

The next part of the opening is dedicated to showing some of the new characters we'll be meeting this season. We see glimpses of Winter Schnee, Weiss's older sister, fighting alongside her. We also see Qrow Branwen, Ruby's uncle and a fan-favorite character, sitting on a rooftop and smoking a cigarette.

The opening then shifts to show some of the volume's major villains. Cinder Fall, the mastermind behind many of the events of the series, takes center stage as her allies Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black back her up. We also get our first glimpse of the volume's main antagonist, Salem, who sits atop a throne and surveys her kingdom of darkness.

The final shot of the opening is a close-up of Ruby's eyes, which glow silver with her signature Semblance, a unique power that allows her to move at incredible speeds. This shot is a clear indication that Ruby will be central to the season's storyline, and that her abilities will play a major role in the battle against Salem.

In conclusion, the RWBY Volume 3 opening is a visual feast that provides fans with clues and hints about the season's storyline. The shots of our favorite characters, both old and new, fighting off seemingly insurmountable odds set the tone for what is arguably the most intense and action-packed volume of the series. If you haven't seen Volume 3 yet, be sure to check it out!

Thank you for taking the time to read this analysis of the RWBY Volume 3 opening animation. Keep an eye out for more content on this amazing series!

People Also Ask About RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation

What is RWBY Volume 3?

RWBY Volume 3 is the third season of RWBY, an American anime-style web series created by Monty Oum and produced by Rooster Teeth Productions. The season premiered in October 2015 and included 12 episodes.

Who Created the Opening Animation for RWBY Volume 3?

The opening animation for RWBY Volume 3 was created by Dillon Gu. He is a freelance animator who has worked on several popular anime-style web series such as Red vs Blue and Camp Camp.

What is the Song Used in RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation?

The song used in the opening animation for RWBY Volume 3 is When It Falls by Jeff Williams. Jeff Williams is a composer who has composed several songs for RWBY, including the opening themes for every volume of the series.

What are the Changes made in the RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation?

The changes in the RWBY Volume 3 opening animation include:

  1. Team JNPR has been added to the opening sequence
  2. Ozpin's cane has been added to his character model
  3. Several new locations have been added to the background of the sequence
  4. A new villain, Cinder Fall, has been added to the opening sequence
  5. Ruby's cape now has a cloth-like texture instead of a glossy one

What is the Meaning Behind the RWBY Volume 3 Opening Animation?

The RWBY Volume 3 opening animation showcases the various characters in the series along with new villains. The opening sequence foreshadows the major events that will take place in the season, such as the confrontation between the main characters and the newly introduced villains.