Unmasking the Disappointing Animation of Berserk 2017: A Compilation of Bad Animated Gifs


Have you ever watched an anime that looked like it was made in the early 2000s despite being released in 2017? That's exactly what happened with Berserk 2017, and fans were not happy. Many took to social media to express their disappointment, with one particular bad animation gif becoming the face of their frustration.

The gif in question is of protagonist Guts swinging his sword, only for the animation to be so jarring and choppy that it looks like he's having a seizure. It's become a meme in the anime community, but it also highlights a bigger issue with the series' animation as a whole.

With so much technology available, how did Berserk 2017 end up with such poor animation? According to some fans, the studio responsible for the show, Millepensee, just didn't have the budget to do justice to the source material. Others point to the decision to use CGI rather than traditional animation as the root of the problem.

But whatever the reason, the fact remains that Berserk 2017's animation left a lot to be desired. And for a series with such a devoted fan base, that's a huge letdown.

It's not just the bad animation gif that's the problem, either. Throughout the series, there are numerous examples of awkward movement, distorted faces, and poorly rendered backgrounds. It's enough to take you out of the story entirely.

So, what can be done about it? Some fans have taken to re-editing the series themselves, cutting out the bad animation and substituting it with better animation from the 1997 adaptation or the recent movie trilogy. While this is certainly a creative solution, it's not a sustainable one.

Perhaps the best solution would be for the creators of the series to acknowledge the animation issues and take steps to rectify them. That could mean dedicating more resources to the animation team, finding a new studio to take over production, or simply acknowledging the complaints of fans and making changes going forward.

Whatever the solution ends up being, one thing is for sure: fans of Berserk deserve better than the bad animation gif that has become the symbol of disappointment for this beloved series.

In the end, perhaps the most frustrating thing about Berserk 2017's poor animation is that it distracts from the story itself. This is a series full of complex characters, compelling themes, and heart-pumping action. It deserves to be seen in the best possible light, but unfortunately, the animation just doesn't do it justice.

So here's hoping that the creators of Berserk hear the complaints of their fans and take steps to improve the animation for future adaptations. Until then, we'll just have to make do with the bad animation gif as a symbol of the missed opportunity that was Berserk 2017.

If you're a fan of anime or Berserk specifically, you owe it to yourself to check out the bad animation gif and see just how jarring it can be. But don't stop there - read on to learn more about the issues with Berserk's animation and what can be done to fix it.


The Berserk anime series has been a fan favorite since its inception in 1997. With its gory violence, complex characters, and intriguing plotline, it has amassed a huge following over the years. In 2017, Studio Ghibli released the latest installment in the franchise, but it did not sit well with fans. The animation quality was so subpar that it generated a viral GIF of one of the worst scenes in the series. In this article, we shall delve into why the Berserk 2017 bad animation is a cause for concern.

The Gif in Question

The GIF in question shows a poorly animated sequence of the main character, Guts, fighting off demons. The characters look stiff, and their movements are awkward. The scene's lighting is also inconsistent, leaving viewers scratching their heads. It shows how the studio has done a poor job with the animation that the scene has become a laughing stock among fans.

What Happened?

The root cause of the Berserk 2017 bad animation lies with the production team, Studio Ghibli. The team switched to 3DCG animation from the traditional hand-drawn animation. It was a significant change, and the studio was not ready for this shift. Consequently, the end product suffered, and fans were disappointed.

Fans' Reaction

Fans have been disappointed with the Berserk 2017 animation since its release. They took to social media platforms to criticize the bad animation openly. Some even started making memes about it, which went viral on the internet. Fans were irritated about the effort put in by the animation team as the series deserved better.

The Impact of Bad Animation

Bad animation can have far-reaching effects on a series. Fans become disenchanted with the show or movie, leading to a dip in viewership. In the case of Berserk, this bad animation has raised questions about the future of the franchise. Fans are uncertain about whether they should watch the next installment given the lackluster effort applied to the current one.

Why Quality Matters

Quality is essential to a show's success. Animation is a vital part of the experience, and if it fails to meet standards, viewers lose interest. That is what happened with Berserk. The team failed to deliver quality animation, and it impacted the series negatively. Fans were not pleased with the final product, and the production team had to face stiff criticism.

What Could Have Been Done?

The animation team could have done better if they had prepared adequately for the change. A shift from hand-drawn animation to 3DCG requires a different approach to designing the characters, animating them, and lighting. The team could have trained its animators, invested in better equipment, and sought help from animation experts.

The Lessons Learned

The Berserk 2017 bad animation is a cautionary tale for animation studios worldwide. It shows that switching to 3DCG animation is not without its challenges. What is more, such a shift requires thorough planning to avoid disappointing fans. Other production companies can learn from this experience and make sure they do not repeat the same mistakes.


In conclusion, the Berserk 2017 bad animation is a prime example of how poor quality can ruin a once-mighty franchise. Fans were disappointed with the substandard effort applied to the latest installment in the series. The root cause lies with the team's inadequate preparation for a shift to 3DCG animation. In the future, animation teams should invest in proper preparation and training to avoid making the same mistakes Studio Ghibli did.

Berserk 2017 Bad Animation Gif: A Comparison Blog Article


Berserk is a popular anime series that has gained a massive following since its inception in the late 1980s. The series has been adapted into various forms of media, including manga, anime, and films. However, in recent years, the anime series has faced criticism due to the poor animation quality of its latest installment, Berserk 2017. Fans have taken to social media to voice their disappointment with the show's animation, and many have even created gifs showcasing how badly animated the series is compared to previous incarnations.

Animation Quality

The most significant issue plaguing Berserk 2017 is its animation quality. The animation is poorly drawn, giving the characters a distorted and unsettling appearance. The show's animation is also heavily reliant on computer-generated imagery, which further detracts from the overall look of the series. Compared to previous installments in the franchise, the animation quality of Berserk 2017 is abysmal.

Berserk 2016

The previous installment of Berserk, which aired in 2016, provided fans with visually stunning animation. The characters looked realistic, and their movements were fluid and smooth. The show's animation consistently impressed viewers, making it a must-watch for fans of the series.

Berserk 1997

Berserk's original anime adaptation, which aired in 1997, set the standard for animation quality for the franchise. Although the show's animation wasn't as refined as modern anime, it still provided viewers with impressive sequences that showcased the characters' skills.

Character Designs

The character designs in Berserk 2017 have also not been received positively by fans. The designs are heavily stylized and deviate significantly from the original manga and previous anime adaptations. The characters look grotesque, and their facial expressions are exaggerated to the point of being comical rather than intimidating.

Berserk 2016

Berserk's previous installment provided fans with character designs that matched the manga closely. The characters looked realistic, and their appearances were consistent throughout the series. This attention to detail was appreciated by fans of the series, who felt that the anime brought the manga to life.

Berserk 1997

Berserk's original anime adaptation also provided fans with faithful character designs. The characters looked like they were pulled straight from the pages of the manga, and their design never wavered throughout the series. This consistency was praised by fans of the series, who felt that the anime did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the manga.

Overall Presentation

The overall presentation of Berserk 2017 is also lacking compared to previous installments in the franchise. The show's pacing is slow, and there is a lack of action sequences, which have always been a hallmark of the Berserk franchise. The poor animation quality and character designs also detract from the series' overall presentation.

Berserk 2016

Berserk's previous installment had a strong overall presentation. The pacing was excellent, and the show balanced action sequences with character development, making it an engaging viewing experience for fans of the series.

Berserk 1997

Berserk's original anime adaptation also had a solid overall presentation. The pacing was ideal, and the show provided viewers with a good balance of character development and action sequences. The animation quality, although not as refined as modern anime, was still impressive and faithfully captured the essence of the manga.


In conclusion, the poor animation quality of Berserk 2017 has significantly impacted the series' overall presentation and reception. The show's character designs have also been criticized for their exaggerated appearance, which deviates from the manga and previous anime adaptations. Compared to previous installments in the franchise, Berserk 2017 falls short in terms of animation quality and overall presentation. While fans of the series may still find the show enjoyable, they cannot deny that it pales in comparison to its predecessors.

How to Tolerate Berserk 2017’s Bad Animation Gif

The Problem With Berserk 2017

Since its release, many fans have criticized the animation quality in the 2017 adaptation of Berserk. Compared to its previous adaptations, the artwork appears rushed and awkward - creating a less than optimal viewing experience.One particularly infamous scene involves Guts fighting Mozgus’ disciples while Casca remains shell-shocked on a stairway. The gif of that sequence has since become a meme, encapsulating the generally poor animation quality of the show.

But It’s Not All Bad

Despite its shortcomings, watching Berserk 2017 can still be an enjoyable experience. If you’re willing to overlook the animation, the story is still compelling and features all of the action and gore the series is known for.The voice acting is also on point, with the actors delivering their lines with conviction and emotion. The music too, while not as memorable as previous adaptations, still complements the visuals well.

Tips for Watching Berserk 2017

1. Focus on the StoryDuring the weaker animation sequences, try to focus on the storyline. Berserk is known for its complex characters and intricate plot, so allow yourself to be immersed in the world instead of fixating on the details.2. Watch at a DistanceSit back and watch from a distance, rather than up close. Doing this will help you avoid nitpicking every detail and instead allow you to take in the overall experience.3. Keep Your Expectations in CheckIf you go in expecting top-notch animation, you will surely be let down. Instead, adjust your expectations and keep in mind that the show’s strengths lie elsewhere.4. Take a BreakIf you find yourself getting frustrated with the animation quality, take a break. Come back to the show with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

How to Cope With the Infamous Animation Gif

The Mozgus scene gif is often discouraging and off-putting for potential viewers. If you find yourself struggling to get past it, here are some tips to help:1. Laugh It OffTake a deep breath and laugh it off. The bad animation has already become a meme, so play into the joke and don’t take it too seriously.2. Watch the Full SceneThe gif only shows a few seconds of the scene. Instead of basing your judgement solely on that, watch the entire sequence. You may find that the full scene isn’t as bad as the gif led you to believe.3. Watch Other AdaptationsIf the 2017 adaptation still doesn’t sit well with you, try watching the previous adaptations and compare them. Seeing the differences in animation may help you appreciate this one’s strengths in other areas.


Despite Berserk 2017’s shortcomings in animation, it still offers all the elements that make the series so beloved: a gripping story, powerful voice acting, and intense action sequences. By focusing on these strengths and keeping your expectations in check, you can still have an enjoyable viewing experience. And if all else fails, just laugh off the infamous animation gif and enjoy the ride.

What Went Wrong with Berserk 2017’s Animation?

Animation is a critical component of any anime series, and it can make or break a show. When the latest season of Berserk premiered in 2017, many fans were excited to see their favorite franchise back on screens after so many years. However, their expectations quickly turned into disappointment when they watched the first few episodes. It wasn't long before fans started sharing gifs of the show's subpar animation on social media, and the criticism never really stopped.

The poorly animated sequences in Berserk 2017 were particularly evident during action scenes. The characters' movements were stiff, and the majority of the fights appeared choppy and difficult to follow. The crude and inconsistent animation negatively impacted the overall mood of the show, diminishing its impact and jeopardizing the audience's engagement. It's no secret that the adaption failed to live up to the viewers' expectations, but the question remains: what led to such subpar animation in one of the most anticipated releases of 2017?

There isn't a definitive answer to this question as there are several factors that may have contributed to the poor animation of Berserk 2017. One of the most debated theories is that the production team was underfunded, leading to a low budget for animation. Another critical factor is that the show's studio sacrificed visual quality in favor of releasing more episodes of the show more quickly. Still, others claim that the process of adapting a beloved manga series into an anime is a challenge in itself.

The problems with Berserk 2017's animation go beyond just technical issues, though. Many fans have expressed disappointment with the inherent style of the show. Even after giving the animators the benefit of the doubt that they run on a limited budget, many viewers still found themselves unsatisfied with the overall look of the show. Given that Berserk has always been a series known for its distinct art style and unique character designs, any deviation from that winning formula would undoubtedly raise eyebrows.

It's no secret that the show's producers felt pressure to deliver a quality show quickly. Berserk 2017's release date came after a hiatus of about two years since the previous season ended. So, there was an urgency to get the ball rolling, which led to some shortcuts and compromises in the animation process. After the first few episodes aired, it became clear that several corners had been cut to bring the show to screens as quickly as possible.

The success of any anime is heavily influenced by viewer reaction. The overwhelming negative reception to Berserk 2017's poor animation likely played its role in the production team's decision not to continue the series beyond one season. The lost potential to build on the existing fan base combined with the cost of production puts the studio in a difficult spot to justify a second season.

It is worth noting that Berserk 2017's subpar animation didn't stop newcomers from giving the franchise a chance and even falling in love with its unique story. Fans of the manga and franchise found flaws they just couldn't overlook, but for anyone interested in the Fate/Stay Night universe, the series still holds up for many.

In conclusion, Berserk 2017's animation problems left a void in the hearts of its fans. What could have been one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed anime franchises ended up never meeting its full potential, leaving fans with a bittersweet memory of what could have been. Despite its shortcomings, it's still worth giving the show a chance, if only to experience the unique storytelling that has fascinated fans for decades.

Thank you for reading our discussion about Berserk 2017's animation flaws. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Have you watched the show? Did you enjoy it, and if so, what was your favorite part? Do you think the animation could have been improved, or would this have harmed the overarching franchise's legacy?

People Also Ask About Berserk 2017 Bad Animation Gif

What is Berserk 2017?

Berserk 2017 is an anime adaptation of the manga series created by Kentaro Miura. It follows the story of a mercenary named Guts, who seeks revenge on his former best friend and commander, Griffith.

Why is the animation in Berserk 2017 considered bad?

The animation in Berserk 2017 is considered bad because it features a lot of clumsy CGI animation that clashes with the traditional 2D animation. The CGI animation is often poorly animated and makes the characters look stiff and lifeless.

What is the berserk gif?

The Berserk gif is a short clip from the Berserk 2017 anime that features a scene where one of the characters appears to be sliding across the ground rather than walking. The animation is considered so bad that it has become a popular meme among anime fans.

Is the Berserk 2017 anime worth watching despite its bad animation?

The answer to this question depends on personal preference. If you are a die-hard fan of the manga and want to see the story animated, then the bad animation may not bother you as much. However, if you are looking for a visually impressive anime, then you may want to skip Berserk 2017 or watch the older anime adaptations instead.

Has the animation improved in the later episodes of Berserk 2017?

The animation quality does improve slightly in the later episodes of Berserk 2017, but it still features a lot of awkward CGI animation. However, the story and characters may still make it worth watching if you are a fan of the manga.

Should I read the Berserk manga instead of watching the 2017 anime?

If you are looking for a more satisfying and faithful adaptation of the Berserk story, then reading the manga is recommended. The manga features detailed artwork and a more coherent story than the anime adaptations.

  • Berserk 2017 is an anime adaptation of the manga series created by Kentaro Miura.
  • The animation is considered bad because of the clumsy CGI animation that clashes with the traditional 2D animation.
  • The Berserk gif is a short clip from the anime that has become a popular meme because of the bad animation.
  • Whether or not the anime is worth watching depends on personal preference.
  • The animation quality does improve slightly in later episodes but still features awkward CGI animation.
  • Reading the manga is recommended for a more satisfying and faithful adaptation of the Berserk story.