Unraveling the Mystery: A Review of Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22


Persona 4: The Animation Episode 22 has got everyone talking with its gripping storyline and stunning animation. Fans of the series have eagerly awaited this episode, and it did not disappoint. The show has been a massive hit since it premiered in 2011, and Episode 22 definitely adds to the list of reasons why. So, what makes this episode of Persona 4: The Animation so special?

First and foremost, the character development is simply outstanding. The episode delves deep into the psyche and motivations of the show's main characters, shedding light on their innermost thoughts and emotions. You will be left wondering just who these characters really are, and what they are capable of.

What's more, the action scenes in Episode 22 are some of the best in the entire series. With breathtaking visuals and thrilling fight sequences, this episode will leave you on the edge of your seat, eager to see what happens next. The fight choreography is incredibly well-done, with each move feeling fluid and natural.

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of Episode 22 of Persona 4: The Animation is its emotional impact. The episode deals with heavy themes such as loss and betrayal, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. You'll be hard-pressed not to tear up at certain moments, as the show handles its subject matter with grace and sensitivity.

Transitioning into the next paragraph, it's worth mentioning that this episode is also a great entry point for newcomers to the series. Even those who are unfamiliar with the show will be able to appreciate the fantastic storytelling and world-building on display here.

One thing that makes Persona 4: The Animation such an amazing show is its attention to detail. From the stunning animation to the intricate character designs, every aspect of the show is crafted with care. Episode 22 is no exception, with each frame feeling meticulously crafted and full of life.

It's also worth noting that Episode 22 sets up some exciting plot threads for the rest of the series. Fans will be eager to see where the story goes from here, and how the characters will handle the challenges ahead. This is definitely an episode you won't want to miss.

So why should you watch Persona 4: The Animation Episode 22? For one, it's a fantastic episode of an already incredible show. It's a great example of what anime can achieve when it's firing on all cylinders. Additionally, the episode is a great entry point for newcomers to the series and sets up some exciting plot threads for fans to look forward to.

In conclusion, Persona 4: The Animation Episode 22 is a must-watch for anyone who loves anime. It's a gripping, emotional, and action-packed episode that will leave you wanting more. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the series or a newcomer looking for a good place to start, Episode 22 is the answer you've been searching for. So don't hesitate – watch it today!

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 Review: The Birth of Izanami

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is the episode that reveals the ultimate villain of the series, the one who is responsible for everything that has been happening in Inaba. In this episode, the protagonist and his friends finally reach the end of their journey and unveil the identity of the true mastermind behind all the murders. The episode is intense, heart-pumping, and emotional.

The Battle with Adachi

The episode starts with the protagonist and his friends confronting Adachi, the man who was thought to be the killer until now. However, they soon realize that Adachi is not the real culprit, but only a puppet in the grand scheme of things. Adachi reveals that he was being controlled by a god-like entity called Izanami, who is responsible for all the strange happenings in Inaba.

The battle with Adachi is one of the most intense and emotional battles in the series. The protagonist and his friends fight with all their might to stop Adachi and save the world from the chaos caused by Izanami. The battle is beautifully animated with dynamic camera angles and stunning special effects. The music is also superb and adds to the tension and emotion of the scene.

The Reveal of Izanami

After defeating Adachi, the protagonist and his friends finally confront Izanami. It is revealed that Izanami is the goddess of death and rebirth in Japanese mythology, and she has chosen Inaba as her stage for a deadly game. She wants to see humanity's potential for growth and evolution by throwing challenges and obstacles their way. She believes that only those who can overcome their fears and weaknesses are worthy of surviving.

The reveal of Izanami is a spine-chilling moment in the episode. Her design and voice acting are perfect in portraying her godly and menacing nature. Izanami is a worthy final boss for the series, and the episode does a great job of building up the tension and anticipation for the final battle.

Resolving the Characters' Arcs

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 also resolves some of the characters' arcs in a satisfying way. Yosuke finally realizes that he doesn't need to rely on his friends alone and can take charge of his own life. Chie finds peace with herself and accepts her own weaknesses. Yukiko learns to be more assertive and confident in herself. Kanji overcomes his fear of being different and embraces himself just the way he is.

The episode also gives some closure to the protagonist's relationships with his friends and acquaintances. He apologizes to Naoto for not trusting her enough and acknowledges her as a valuable ally. He expresses his feelings to Rise and finally asks her to be his girlfriend. He also has a heartwarming moment with Dojima, where they talk about their past and their future.


Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is one of the best episodes in the series. It has everything a good finale should have, from intense battles to emotional character development. The reveal of Izanami is a masterful stroke, and her presence elevates the series to another level. The resolution of the characters' arcs is also well done and leaves viewers feeling satisfied and happy for the protagonists.

If you haven't watched Persona 4 The Animation yet, I highly recommend it. It's a great series with lovable characters, thrilling action, and a compelling story. And don't forget to watch Episode 22, the epic conclusion of the Inaba arc.

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22: A Comparison


Persona 4 The Animation is an anime television series based on the popular PlayStation 2 video game, Persona 4. The show follows a group of high school students as they investigate a series of supernatural murders in their small town. Episode 22, titled A New World Fool, continues the story as the main character, Yu Narukami, faces off against his ultimate enemy, Adachi.In this article, we will compare and contrast the episode with its source material, the video game Persona 4. We will analyze the changes made to the story and characters, discuss the performances of the voice actors, and give our overall opinion on the episode.

Story Changes

The biggest change made to the story in Episode 22 is the addition of a new scene between Yu and Adachi. In the video game, the two characters never have a one-on-one confrontation before the final battle. However, in the anime, Yu confronts Adachi about his motivations and beliefs before their ultimate showdown.This scene adds depth to Adachi's character and makes his actions throughout the series more understandable. It also sets up the final battle by giving Yu a reason to fight beyond just stopping the murders.

Character Development

One of the strengths of Persona 4 The Animation is its focus on character development. Episode 22 continues this trend by giving each member of the main cast a moment to shine.Yosuke, for example, has a heart-to-heart conversation with his father about his career goals and family expectations. Chie helps Yukiko come to terms with her responsibility as the next head of the Amagi Inn. And Kanji reflects on his own insecurities and fears about his place in the world.These moments feel true to the characters and deepen our understanding of their motivations. They also help to flesh out the world of Persona 4 beyond just the supernatural murders.

Visuals and Sound

Persona 4 The Animation has beautiful animation and a great soundtrack, and Episode 22 is no exception. The fight between Yu and Adachi is visually stunning, with dynamic camera angles and intense character animations.The voice acting is also top-notch, with each actor capturing the unique personality of their character. Daisuke Namikawa's performance as Yu is especially noteworthy, as he brings a sense of calm confidence to the character even in the face of danger.

Pacing and Structure

One area where the episode could have been improved is its pacing. While the fight between Yu and Adachi is intense and exciting, the lead-up to it feels rushed. There are several plot threads that are introduced and resolved quickly, such as the resolution of Yosuke's issues with his father.The structure of the episode also feels somewhat disjointed, jumping between different character perspectives without a clear through-line. This can make it difficult to follow the overall narrative.

Themes and Messages

Persona 4 The Animation deals with themes of identity, acceptance, and facing one's inner demons. Episode 22 continues this trend by exploring the idea of truth and how it can be subjective.Adachi believes that his actions are justified because he is seeking the truth about human nature. However, Yu argues that there is no objective truth and that humans must create their own meaning and purpose in life.This philosophical debate adds depth to the series and makes it more than just a simple supernatural murder mystery.


Overall, Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is a strong entry in the series. The new scenes added to the story help to flesh out the characters and give the final battle more emotional weight. The animation and soundtrack are top-notch, and the voice acting is excellent.However, the episode's pacing and structure could have been improved, and some of the plot threads feel rushed. Still, the themes of identity and truth make for a thought-provoking viewing experience.

Table Comparison

| Aspect | Video Game | Episode 22 || ----------- | ----------| -----------|| Yu vs Adachi scene | Absent | Added || Character development | Extensive | Extensive || Visuals and Sound | Excellent | Excellent || Pacing and Structure | Slow | Rushed || Themes and Messages | Philosophical | Philosophical |


In my opinion, Persona 4 The Animation is a great anime adaptation of the video game. While there are some changes made to the story and characters, they are mostly for the better and add depth to the series.Episode 22 is a strong entry, but its flaws in pacing and structure prevent it from being a true masterpiece. Still, it's worth watching for fans of the series and those interested in philosophical debates about truth and identity.

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22: Tips and Tutorial


Persona 4 is an incredible anime series that follows the story of high school students in a small town. Each character has their unique personalities, and each episode presents a new challenge or obstacle for them to overcome. In Episode 22, the story continues with the rise of the main character's enemies. Here are some tips and tutorials on how to fully understand and enjoy Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22.

Background Information

Before diving deeper into the episode, it helps to know some useful background details about Persona 4. The series revolves around the concept of Shadows and Personas. Shadows are evil entities that lurk within the collective unconsciousness, while Personas are the avatars that represent people's individual qualities. Together, they form the foundation of the gameplay mechanics and plot of Persona 4.

Understanding Episode 22

In Episode 22, the protagonist and his friends face the true enemy behind the Midnight Channel, which turns out to be none other than the protagonist's once-trusted ally, Tohru Adachi. He plays the role of a double agent, working for both the police and the evil force known as Izanami. The main characters must stop Adachi from fulfilling his twisted designs to harness the power of the shadows and control humanity's fate.

Analysis of Key Scenes

One central scene in Episode 22 is where the protagonist and Adachi engage in a deadly battle that results in an eruption of powerful Persona abilities. This scene highlights the themes of duality and the masks that people wear as Adachi states that he is merely showing their true nature and that the protagonist should do the same. It's a significant turning point in the series as it foreshadows the final battle to come.

Tips for Better Enjoyment

To fully enjoy Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22, here are some tips: pay attention to character backgrounds and motives, take note of symbolic cues, and try to read between the lines of dialogue. The series is littered with Easter eggs and foreshadowing, so make sure to look out for them. Additionally, it helps to be immersed in the show's lore and understand the concepts of Persona and Shadows.

Carryover from Previous Episodes

Episode 22 builds on previous episodes' themes, such as the power of friendship and bonds between people. It's a recurring theme throughout the series, and it shows each character's desire to protect those close to them. As the stakes get higher, the characters become more determined and rely on each other to succeed.

Comparing the Anime and Game Versions

Persona 4 The Animation closely follows the plot of the Persona 4 video game but has its unique spin on the story. Some changes include cutting down on some dialogues and expanding some characters' roles. The anime also has incredible music and animation that brings the story to life.

Overall Themes

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is an intense and dramatic chapter in the series that highlights the duality of humanity and the beauty in imperfections. The main takeaway is to acknowledge one's shadows and flaws and use them to become stronger and overcome challenges.


Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 offers a fantastic experience of suspense, action, and insight into the characters' personalities and motivations. Understanding the background information, analyzing key scenes, and following tips can help you better enjoy this episode. Keep in mind the central themes of friendship, bonds, and confronting one's flaws to gain strength and courage. Overall, Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is a must-watch episode for fans of the anime and video game series alike.

The Mystery Continues: Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22

Welcome back to another episode of Persona 4 The Animation. In the previous episode, we saw how the investigation team managed to save Kanji Tatsumi from the Midnight Channel. However, the mystery surrounding Rise Kujikawa's disappearance is yet to be solved. In this episode, we get to see the team uncover more clues about the case and get closer to finding the truth.

The episode begins with the team discussing their next course of action. Yosuke suggests that they should investigate the area where Rise was last seen since it might provide some vital clues. They visit the school that Rise attended and meet her homeroom teacher. The teacher tells them that Rise has been acting strange lately and hasn't been attending classes regularly. This news shocks the team, and they decide to investigate further.

Meanwhile, Naoto Shirogane, the newest member of the investigation team, uses her detective skills to gather information on the case. She discovers that there have been several other incidents similar to Rise's disappearance, where people have suddenly vanished. This information leads the team to believe that there might be a connection between all these mysterious disappearances.

The team decides to visit the location where the other incidents occurred and discover a hidden lab in the basement of an old building. Inside the lab, they find a strange machine that is connected to the Midnight Channel. It is revealed that the machine is used to create avatars of people, which are then used to lure them into the Midnight Channel.

As the team explores the lab, they encounter a man who reveals himself to be the mastermind behind all the incidents. He is responsible for creating the avatars that have been luring people into the Midnight Channel. The team engages in a battle with him, and with the help of their Personas, they emerge victorious.

With the mastermind defeated, they manage to rescue Rise from the Midnight Channel. However, they soon realize that there might be more enemies lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. The episode ends with the team deciding to remain vigilant and continue their investigation.

In conclusion, Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 was yet another exciting installment of the series. We saw the team come closer to finding the truth behind the mysterious disappearances, and we got to see some intense action scenes. The revelation about the avatar machine and the mastermind behind the incidents added a new layer of complexity to the plot. If you're a fan of mystery and action, then you'll surely enjoy this episode.

Thank you for joining us for our review of Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to tune in for the next episode, where we'll find out what happens next in the investigation team's quest to uncover the truth. Until then, happy watching!

People Also Ask about Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22

What is Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22?

Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22 is the twenty-second episode of the Persona 4 anime series, which is based on the popular video game of the same name. It was originally released in Japan on February 24, 2012.

What happens in Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22?

In this episode, the investigation team continues to look for clues about who the killer might be. They find themselves getting closer to the truth as they discover more about the victims, but they still have a long way to go before they can solve the case.

What are some important moments in Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22?

Some important moments in this episode include:

  1. The investigation team finds out that one of the victims had a secret boyfriend who she may have been seeing on the night she was killed.
  2. Naoto Shirogane reveals that there may be a pattern in the killer's methods.
  3. The team visits a shrine where they learn about a mythological creature known as the Ameno-sagiri, which may be connected to the murders.

What themes are explored in Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22?

Some of the themes explored in this episode include:

  • The importance of perseverance in solving difficult problems
  • The role of mythology and legend in shaping society and culture
  • The relationship between truth and perception, and how easily they can be distorted or manipulated.

What is the significance of the ending of Persona 4 The Animation Episode 22?

The ending of this episode sets up a major turning point in the series, as the investigation team discovers a crucial piece of evidence that may help them finally uncover the identity of the killer. It also leaves viewers on a cliffhanger, eager to find out what happens next.