Unveiling Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation: A Captivating Pregnancy Planning Tale


If you are into anime, then you must have heard about Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation. This anime is making waves in the anime industry, and for a good reason. It is an exceptional blend of comedy, drama, and romance.

Are you tired of watching the same old anime plot over and over again? Then maybe it is time for you to check out Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation.

The anime revolves around a group of female high school students who decide to get pregnant together. While most people might find this plot outrageous, it is a unique take on friendship and bonding.

As the girls navigate their way through pregnancy and motherhood, they discover the true meaning of friendship, love, and sacrifice.

The show has been praised by audiences for its realistic portrayal of pregnancy and parenting. It also sheds light on some of the societal pressures women face when it comes to motherhood.

If you are looking for an anime that challenges societal norms and provides a fresh perspective on life, then Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is the perfect choice for you.

The show not only tackles serious topics but also provides hilarious moments that will have you laughing out loud. It is a perfect combination of humor and heart-warming moments.

With only twelve episodes, Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation can be easily binge-watched in a day. So, grab your snacks and settle in for a heart-warming and entertaining experience.

The anime also features a beautiful soundtrack that enhances the emotional moments in the show. The opening and ending themes are also catchy and will have you humming along in no time.

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation has received critical acclaim and has a dedicated fan base. It is an anime that will leave a lasting impression on you.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the girls on their journey in Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation, and witness the power of friendship, love, and motherhood.

In conclusion, Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is a must-see anime for anyone looking for something fresh and realistic. It provides a unique perspective on pregnancy and motherhood while also delivering moments of humor and heart-warming friendship. So, hit play and get ready for an emotional and entertaining ride.

The Premise of Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is based on a popular manga series and follows the story of a group of high school girls who become pregnant around the same time. The anime explores the themes of friendship, love, and the struggles of teenage pregnancy.

The Characters

The main character of the show is Futaba, a shy and introverted girl who becomes pregnant after a one-night stand with a boy she barely knows. She is initially hesitant about keeping the baby but decides to go through with it with the support of her friends. Other characters in the show include Akari, a popular girl who announces her pregnancy in a bold move at a school assembly, and Yuno, a reserved girl who secretly harbors feelings for Futaba.

The Themes Explored in the Anime

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation deals with several complex themes, including teenage pregnancy, motherhood, and the challenges of balancing school and personal life. The show also explores how different people react to unexpected news, such as pregnancy, and how it can affect relationships between friends and family.

The Impact of Teenage Pregnancy on Society

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation provides a realistic look at the impact of teenage pregnancy on society, including the challenges and stigmas faced by young mothers. The anime also highlights the importance of sex education and the need for better resources for young people to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

The Art Style and Music

The art style of Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is unique and colorful, with an emphasis on character designs and facial expressions. The anime also features a catchy and upbeat soundtrack that fits the tone of the show perfectly.

Why You Should Watch Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is a heartwarming anime that explores important themes and provides realistic portrayals of teenage pregnancy and motherhood. The show features well-developed characters, vibrant visuals, and an enjoyable soundtrack, making it an excellent choice for fans of slice-of-life anime.

The Importance of Representation in Media

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is an example of the importance of representation in media. The anime provides a much-needed perspective on the experiences of teenage mothers and the challenges they face. It can help break down stigmas and stereotypes about young mothers and provide a more accurate portrayal of their lives.

The Need for Better Sex Education

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation highlights the need for better sex education for young people. The show depicts how lack of knowledge can lead to unplanned pregnancies and other issues. By providing accurate and informative resources, young people can make informed decisions about their sexual health.

The Power of Friendship

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation showcases the power of friendship and how supporting each other can help people overcome difficult challenges. The bond between the girls in the show is heartwarming and provides a positive message about the importance of having a supportive community.

The Realities of Teenage Pregnancy

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation depicts the realities of teenage pregnancy and the challenges faced by young mothers. It shows how becoming a parent at a young age can impact a person's life and future plans. By providing a realistic portrayal, the anime can help raise awareness and empathy for young parents.


Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is a refreshing and heartwarming anime that tackles important themes and provides realistic portrayals of teenage pregnancy and motherhood. The show emphasizes the importance of sex education and the need for better resources for young people. Overall, it is an excellent choice for fans of slice-of-life anime and those interested in exploring complex themes in a relatable way.

Comparison Blog Article: Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation


Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation, also known as Jozshi Sei, is a unique anime series that explores themes of pregnancy and motherhood. The show follows the lives of five women who are all pregnant at the same time and shows their adventures and struggles through their pregnancy journeys.In this article, we will be comparing Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation with other anime series that explore similar themes of pregnancy and motherhood. We will be discussing the storylines, characters, animation style and audience response from each series and provide our personal opinions and recommendations.


Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation has a unique storyline that focuses on the lives and experiences of five pregnant women. Each character is given equal attention and their individual stories are explored in-depth. The anime portrays the different challenges that pregnant women face, from health issues to social stigma.In comparison, another anime series that explores pregnancy and motherhood is Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy). The storyline follows Sana Kurata, a popular child star, who is left in the care of her pro-wrestler mother and how they navigate life together. Kodomo no Omocha explores the challenges of being a single mother and raising a child in the entertainment industry.


Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation features five pregnant women with distinct personalities and backgrounds. Each character is relatable and has their own storyline that audiences can connect with. The show does an excellent job of showcasing the different perspectives that women have towards pregnancy.Kodomo no Omocha features a spunky and lovable protagonist, Sana Kurata. Throughout the series, she learns to navigate the challenges of growing up in the entertainment industry and the difficulties her mother faces living as a single parent.

Animation Style

The animation style of Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is simplistic yet effective. The use of pastel colours and soft lines adds a whimsical beauty to the show. Overall, the animation does not overpower or detract from the storyline and allows viewers to fully appreciate the characters’ emotions and facial expressions.Kodomo no Omocha features a more traditional animation style with bold lines and intricate details. The animation style is more expressive and playful, fitting for the protagonist's personality.


Themes of pregnancy and motherhood are explored in-depth in Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation. Through the stories of the five main characters, the show explores topics such as prenatal care, social stigma around pregnancy, and relationship changes during pregnancy. Additionally, the show portrays the immense joy and happiness that pregnancy can bring.Kodomo no Omocha explores themes of single-parenting, raising a child in the entertainment industry, and the importance of family. The show tackles heavy topics with a light-hearted tone, making it an enjoyable watch for audiences of all ages.

Audience Response

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation received positive reviews from fans who praised the anime for its realistic portrayal of pregnancy and motherhood. The show was also praised for its heart-warming moments and excellent character development. According to my opinion, I highly recommend this anime series to anyone who loves to watch a drama and slice-of-life genre.Kodomo no Omocha has also been praised for its humour and emotional depth. The show has received a cult following and is considered a classic among anime fans. If you like anime series that are about childhood, family, and work-related themes, then Kodomo no Omocha is definitely worth the watch.


Both Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation and Kodomo no Omocha are excellent anime series that explore themes of pregnancy and motherhood. While each series has its unique storyline, animation style, and themes, both shows have received a positive response from audiences worldwide. In conclusion, I would recommend checking out both anime series to anyone who loves slice-of-life stories or coming-of-age stories with a unique twist.

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation: Tips and Tutorial


Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation or Joshi Zenin, an anime adaptation of the manga Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku, tells the story of a group of girls who swear to each become pregnant at the same time. The series follows their journey, from the excitement of planning to the challenges and realities of motherhood.If you're interested in watching Joshi Zenin or have already started, this article will provide some tips and a tutorial on how to fully enjoy the series.

1. Get Familiar with the Characters

One of the essential things to do when starting a new anime is to familiarize yourself with the characters. In Joshi Zenin, there are several girls that you may have trouble keeping track of, but don't worry, take your time and pay attention to their individual personalities and characteristics.

2. Watch with an Open Mind

When starting Joshi Zenin, you may find yourself questioning the premise of the show, but keep an open mind. The series showcases the struggles and challenges of pregnancy and motherhood, which can be both physical and emotional. Try not to dismiss the show as unrealistic and remember that it's a work of fiction.

3. Take Note of the Art Style

Joshi Zenin features a unique art style that can take some getting used to. The character designs are a bit exaggerated and may appear chibi-like at times. However, this is what makes the show stand out from standard anime art styles.

4. Avoid Spoilers

As with any anime, spoilers can ruin the experience. To fully immerse yourself in the world of Joshi Zenin, it's best to avoid spoilers. Don't read episode summaries or look up fan theories. Let the story unfold in front of you.

5. Embrace the Comedy

While pregnancy and motherhood can be challenging, Joshi Zenin doesn't shy away from humor. The series is packed with comedic moments that will have you laughing out loud. Embrace the comedy and enjoy the lighthearted moments.

6. Be Prepared for Heavy Themes

While the show has plenty of comedic moments, Joshi Zenin also tackles heavy themes such as miscarriage and infertility. Be prepared for these moments and know that they are essential to the show's overall message.

7. Watch at Your Own Pace

Joshi Zenin is a 12-episode series, and you may feel tempted to binge-watch the entire thing in one sitting. However, it's best to watch at your own pace. Take breaks between episodes and give yourself time to digest what you've just watched.

8. Appreciate the Soundtrack

The soundtrack for Joshi Zenin is excellent and features a mix of upbeat and emotional tracks that complement the show's tone. Pay attention to the music and how it enhances each scene.

9. Join the Fandom

If you find yourself enjoying Joshi Zenin, consider joining the fandom. There are plenty of forums and social media groups dedicated to the show where you can discuss favorite moments and fan theories.

10. Spread the Word

Lastly, if you enjoy Joshi Zenin, spread the word. The show isn't as well-known as other anime series, so sharing your love for the show can help others discover it.


Watching Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation can be a fun and emotional journey. By keeping an open mind, familiarizing yourself with the characters, and appreciating the show's humor and music, you'll find yourself enjoying it more. Remember to watch at your own pace, avoid spoilers, and appreciate the heavy themes presented in the series.

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation Review

Are you looking for a slice-of-life anime that explores the joys and struggles of pregnancy and motherhood? Then Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation might just be the show for you. Developed by Pink Pineapple, this anime revolves around a group of women who are all expecting babies at the same time.

The show starts by introducing the main characters - Nono, Rie, and Kana - who are best friends and happen to be pregnant at the same time. As the episodes progress, we see them navigate through different challenges that come with being pregnant, such as morning sickness, weight gain, and mood swings.

It’s refreshing to see an anime that focuses solely on the experiences of pregnant women. In most anime shows, pregnancy is only mentioned as a plot device to create drama or suspense. However, Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation gives us a glimpse into the daily lives of expectant mothers, and it feels incredibly relatable.

The animation style of the show is cute and colorful, which matches the light-hearted tone of the story. The character designs are unique, and each woman has her own distinct personality. The voice acting is also top-notch, and the emotions conveyed by the actors feel genuine and natural.

One of the strengths of this show is how it handles serious topics with sensitivity and care. For example, one of the characters experiences complications during her pregnancy and has to undergo a C-section. Watching how she copes with the trauma and the support she receives from her friends is both heartwarming and realistic.

Besides the pregnancy narrative, the show also touches upon other themes such as work-life balance, marriage, and family. We get to see how the women juggle their daily routines with their pregnancy, and how their partners and families support them through it all.

However, the pacing of the show can be a bit slow at times. Since the episodes are only 15 minutes long, not much happens in each episode. While this makes for a relaxing watch, it might not be engaging enough for viewers who prefer faster-paced anime.

Overall, Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is a heartwarming and realistic anime that explores the beauty of pregnancy and motherhood. If you’re a fan of slice-of-life shows or just looking for something light and entertaining, then definitely give this one a try.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review. We hope you found it helpful in deciding whether to watch Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation. If you’ve already watched the show, let us know what you think about it in the comments below!

People Also Ask about Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation

What is Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation?

Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation is a Japanese adult anime series that was aired in 2021 and runs for a total of six episodes.

What is the plot of Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation?

The series revolves around three women who are trying to get pregnant. They seek help from a fertility clinic, but things take a wild turn when they discover that their doctor is actually a demon.

Is Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation suitable for kids?

No, the series is only meant for mature audiences due to its explicit content, nudity, and sexual themes.

Where can I watch Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation?

The anime series is available for streaming on various adult websites. However, make sure you have age verification before accessing any such websites.

Who created Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation?

The anime series is produced by Japan-based Studio Bootleg and is directed by Takafumi Fujii.

How was Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku The Animation received by audiences?

The reception for the series has been mixed, with some praising the animation quality and storyline, while others criticizing it for being too explicit and having no real plot development.